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We all have things we fill that hole in our hearts with. For some people, it's art, for some it's their fantasy universes. These things keep us sane when our minds are thinking way too much and far too beyond what they should. For me, its love. It's always been love.
I search for people to fall for, so that the simple thought of them can make the darkness go away. People who can become my happy place. Who calm me down. Who I look forward to seeing every day. Who I start thinking of as 'home.' They become the first thing I think of when I get out of bed, the sole reason for my existence.
People are rarely as good as they seem at first glance. Someone's got anger issues, someone's sexist, and someone thinks the existence of other people is solely for them making jokes about it. It hurts every time I see that part of someone I love, and I get over them. Eventually.
Every time I fall for someone new, I fall harder. I'm afraid someday I'll fall so hard I wont be able to get up. The thought of them wont be able to leave my mind long after they've moved on. I'll be stuck going through the same cycles again and again, living on a whisper of a ghost.
Love is a powerful force that shouldnt be messed with. It can save you, and it can destroy you. I ignore that continuously. I keep thinking,"maybe this one would be the person that breaks the chain. Maybe they are the one that will love me back. Maybe they'll be the one who show me that I am capable of being loved. Maybe they'll be the one that saves me."
And every single time I get proven wrong, and the ghosts come back, worse than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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