The Man Who Laughed.. Part 1

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Its been 10 years since The Joker died, Gotham city rejoices in the thought of never having to deal with the Clown Prince of Crime again but theres always a worse evil that comes to the light when another dissipates.

Bruce Wayne has taken a role in the city to rebuild. Leaving behind his life as the caped crusader, little did he know the evil that would come.

"Alfred, do you have the notes for the speech tomorrow?" Bruce looking around frantically.
"Yes sir, they're right here." Alfred points to the papers on the other side of the desk.
"What would I do without you Alfred?"
"I have no idea sir." Alfred turns to the front door and sees it open, coming in is Barbara Gordon daughter of Commissioner Gordon.
"Barbara!, how's it going?"

"Oh I'm doing great Alfred, where'd Bruce go?"
Alfred turns around and sees Bruce is gone.
"Hmm, hasnt been Batman the last couple of years and still loves to do that."
Barbara looks around and sees him coming up the stairs and goes to give him a hug "Long time, no see Bruce."

"Has been a long time hasnt it?, about 9 years by now?"

"Just about."
"So what brings you to Gotham these days?" Bruce says as he grabs a pen.

"Came to see my father, just like you I havent seen him since then too."
"Well if you need somewhere to stay you're welcome here."

"Oh no, I'm already staying with someone but thank you for offering, anyways I best get going, dads a busy guy want to catch him before he gets too busy ya know." She starts walking towards the door.

"Barbara, I know you left Gotham in the first place because of what happened that night." Bruce shows guilt in his face while Alfred looks distraught.

"You dont have to bring him up Bruce, that was 10 years ago, I've learned to live and forget." She says holding back tears.

"I just dont want this city to take anything else from you."

"It won't." She says as she closes the door.
Alfred looks at Bruce.

"You didnt have to bring him up sir."

"I had to Alfred, I had to remind her why she left this place and why she needs to leave again, this place is not for everyone, especially for people who've lost everything here." Bruce says while looking at a picture of his parents.

"Then why do you stay?"

"Because it's my job to make this a better place for everyone, even if it kills me to be here."

Alfred looks at the picture of the Wayne's and walks away leaving Bruce to get ready for his speech tomorrow.


Bruce enters the building where everyone gets him ready for his speech outside of the Gotham City Capital Building

"Alright we're going to cut to you and then when you're done just wave and we'll cut it back to the reporters, all right?"

"No problem."

"All right they're ready for you out there."

Bruce walks out to thousands of people waiting to hear what he has to say.

Bruce brings out his notes "Gotham city is on the rise. We have prospered in these last few years, most with declined crime rates. There is still much more to do, I have been working diligently to provide this city with the best outcome it can possibly have."

A long screech of a mic being turned on comes echoing through the crowd

"But you still havent done enough have you Brucie?, You've given these people false hope, leading them on, telling them that nothing bad will ever happen again, and you know what I say to that? Bullshit."

A loud bang goes off to the side of the crowd, an explosion!, the crowd starts to disperse trying frantically to get out of there.

The voice comes back.

"Theres more where that came from Brucie"
The huge tv monitor comes on and everyone looks and sees and big pale toothy grin on the screen followed by neverending laughter.

Bruce looks at it in horror.
"It Cant Be."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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