Azmuth Midoriya's Last Gift

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            --Personal Log, 34,584

It is my last day on this planet, or any planet really. I lay here in a bed on my home planet, Galvan Prime, taking my last breaths. It was quite an adventure really and I don't have any regrets... Except for one. My love... Inko, I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye but if you happen to find this journal, somehow, I pray that you are happy. Take care of our boy for me, take care of our Izuku. I know that he will be born Quirkless so, after my duty was over, I wanted to give him my own version of one.

I call it, the Omnitrix. It stores every single type of Alien DNA in existence but for your sake, I've only given him access to ten of them. As he grows the Omnitrix will grow with him, unlocking more and more aliens each time. When he first receives it, he will have a one-hour time limit of turning into any alien, but when that hour is up in order to avoid permanent cellular damage, I installed a cooldown time. The cooldown is for five minutes and there are a few other things I added to the Omnitrix. I know when he gets this, you will be worried and happy, even now I still debate whether it will be more worry or more happiness.

But anyway, I added a life safety measure. Whenever Izuku's life is in danger, the Omnitrix will automatically turn him into whatever Alien it deems necessary to combat this danger. Also, I've given one of his Aliens, a Pyronite, which I named Nova Flare, an A.I. Nova is designed to help guide Izuku to mastering the Omnitrix and his Aliens. There is also something called, The Master Control. It allows Izuku to use the full potential of the Omnitrix without restrictions, but this will only be temporarily unlocked when Nova decides it's necessary. After that, it becomes locked once more.

Once again, I truly am sorry for not being able to see you again, I hope you can forgive me. I will try to send this to him on his tenth birthday, but I don't know if it will reach in time. Either way happy birthday my boy. And for what it's worth... Goodbye. This is the last testament of Azmuth Benjamin Midoriya. Inko, Izuku... I love you both so much.

            --End of Log

Setting his pencil down and putting a locket with an image of him and his family inside and placing it in the first page, the writer of the Journal closes the book and setting it inside a pod. An old Azmuth in human form coughs violently before he weakly places a thin black and white watch-like device inside the pod looking at it as the green hour-glass design on the front pulsates with energy and the green plates on the top and bottom of the watch glow a continuous energy.

 An old Azmuth in human form coughs violently before he weakly places a thin black and white watch-like device inside the pod looking at it as the green hour-glass design on the front pulsates with energy and the green plates on the top and bottom...

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Azmuth smiles weakly before shutting the pod and placing it into a launcher. Pressing a few buttons on a stand the pod launcher shuts before firing the pod into the deep outer space.

"Goodbye, my love. Izuku, take good care of your mother for me." Azmuth spoke softly before limping over to the bed and laying on it. Smiling as he picks up an image, he looks at it.

The image is of a young Azmuth in human form as he sits next to Inko who holds a baby Izuku in her arms. This picture was taken at the hospital, where Izuku was born. Azmuth had stayed with the two of them until Izuku was two years old, when he was forced to return to Galvan Prime to eradicate the corrupted Galvanic Mechamorph, Malware, so he wouldn't destroy this planet and countless others. It took all that Azmuth had, but he protected the countless planets and his own. Including the lives of his wife and son. He never really got to know his son, but he was glad he was there for some of his life. Closing his eyes, Azmuth sighed once more before finally... His chest stopped, his breathing still and his veins ran cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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