The meet

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The weather was cold and the wind unforgiving , flecks of snow falling down clinging to those out in the streets. People shuffling in groups to keep warm from the cold, most barring against the cold for last minute dinner so they can stuff themselves to sweet subconscious, praying tomorrow will be better.
"Tch, idiots, all of them."
DDawn kept walking down the homes and stands of food and goods towards the hill where a black church with a big white cross stood tall. The wind howling against DDawn as he pushed himself up the hill fighting the wind.
A strong gust of wind sent DDawn stumbling backwards as he used his force to lunge himself forwards as he fell to his knees. As he waited for the wind to calm down enough for him to get up he heard the crunching of footsteps in the snow followed by the sound of light laughter.
"Do you need a hand friend? You seem to be struggling."
DDawn lifted an arm to shield his eyes from the snow and looked up as best he could to see a tall figure reaching a white gloves hand to him.
DDawn scoffed, "I don't need your help." Slapping the hand away while pushing himself back up.
"Aww that hurt DDawn, I thought I was a friend." He chuckled as he turned away from DDawn up the hill to the church.
'However that bastard managed to get here without falling is going to drive me up a wall.'
DDawn stood tall brushing flecks of snow off his hair and clothes following the figure inside. Stepping inside, DDawn felt a rush of heat hit him making him slightly relax from the cold. Inside the church were painfully obvious, six pews, six hanging candles, and six pillars.
"You have a problem Fon."
"Maybe." Fon replied, "But at least I'm not delving into human experimentation."
DDawn grumbled, Fon wasn't wrong,but, animals weren't as efficient as humans! Brain and endurance wise.
"I assume you need something DDawn? You've never gone through foul conditions just to see me without wanting something."
Fon spoke pulling DDawn out of this dazed thoughts. He opened his mouth to speak but Fon spoke again.
"Need a body?"
DDawn tried to answer 'yes' but Fon interrupted yet again.
"Sorry friend, word on the street has been picking up that folks are going missing, we can't get reckless."
DDawn hated it but Fon was right. They shouldn't raise any suspicion, however this means his damn trip here was for nothing.
   DDawn looked at Fon. He was pretty simple, black hair somehow smooth and slicked back. He had cold blue eyes and in his own type of priest dress. The collar had a cross that Fon had put upside down out of pure spite and claiming it was 'Stabbing my neck!' The outfit was black and had a black belt with a pentagram that nobody seems to notice. The sleeves had big cuffs at the end to his wrist with a single gold button holding it together. The 'dress' went down just below his calves. He had black pants and boots on just adding to his horrid height at at around 7'0 taller than himself. Nobody would say it to his face but everyone thought he was gay as soon as he walked into a room.
   Fon looked down to DDawn who was clearly frustrated and in deep thought. He sighed. He respected the man for his ideas and cunning nature. Better was he always looked like he should be respected. A black with red lining curved tailcoat with to points at the back, the front of the tailcoat and red vest looked like a tangle of vines, the vest having black buttons running perfectly down the middle and to top it off, a small sharp bow tie. He was wearing black pants and small black boots, not as long as his own, his reddish skin caused from his constant frustration and cold adding to the red flare. He has wavy, short, reddish black hair so much red was on DDawn but he couldn't really complain, he was in complete darkness DDawn his the blood of others.
Fon put his hand on DDawns shoulder and spoke,
"I apologize friend for your trip to bare no meaning, so I shall gift you with some rather intriguing information."
DDawn perked up.
"I've heard the court jester of the southern kingdom ran away and is currently located here in this kingdom."
"Why is that important?!"
"Well the jester apparently found the kings crimes against the people and attempted to escape."
DDawn was about to ask why he should care but Fon added.
"However I suspect there's more to it."
"Well what do you think then?"
"Well it's pretty stupid of the king to make a scene for him to send his men after the jester don't you agree?"
DDawn nodded.
"Well no one would believe someone like him, I've heard he's practically a dwarf! The king could easily brush it off saying he's insane. So it's far fetched but I think he attempted to kill the king."
It went silent. DDawn stared at his colleague in pure confusion only Fon could truly see.
"Why the hell would you think that?"
Fon looked at him, a slight hint of frustration in his eyes.
"I just have a feeling. Besides, there's no other explanation for it. The jester had to of done something deadly."
DDawn normally would go off how stupid that is or how loose it is, yet Fon had a tendency to be terrifyingly accurate with his hunch's.
"Here, how about this DDawn, the jester was said to be wearing a blood red cloak with the southern kingdoms logo on the back."
DDawn made sure to make a mental note of this.
As he begun to walk out the door Fon called out to him.
"One more thing DDawn."
DDawn stopped and turned his head to Fon.
"If you do find this jester, he has no family, nobody will miss him."
DDawn knew what Fon was telling him. He thanked his friend and set back down the hill. The trip back down wasn't as bad, mostly due to the wind dying down, yet gravity was still compelling him to fall down.

Walking back through the village to the castle,hopefully, when he got there the place would be intact and he can give the king a spec of this information. Maybe tomorrow, if Duni has nothing planned, he could go searching for this jester.
'Ah yes another theft. We have the best army we do they even try?"
DDawn continued walking, as he got closer he saw it was a merchant and the thief was trying to steal a black horse. DDawn then stopped. He looked at the thief and realized the thief had a blood red cloak with the southern kingdoms logo on the back.
"The kings men are bound to head here so you might as well give up thief!"
"I don't give a damn about you're kings men! I just need to get the hell away from here!"
The merchant and the thief stopped and stared at DDawn. DDawn sighed and then spoke again.
"Sir your messing with my apprentice. It would be smart to back off unless you want me to report you to the king."
The merchant and thief stood in shock at first, than the merchant begun sputtering and backed off apologizing in fear of DDawn. DDawn the turned to the thief who was currently staring at him in confusion and shock. DDawn, with inhuman speed, grabbed the thief's arm and dragged him in a deserted area between two closed shops and shoved the thief against the shop wall with his arms crossed behind his back and knee to his stomach to prevent movement. The thief started to struggle against him after the shock wore off. DDawn took his left arm and pushed it against the thief's throat to pose he had the higher ground. The thief started to realize the situation he was in with DDawn's arm against his throat. DDawn took the opportunity to rip the hood of the cloak off the thief. The thief had to reveal orange fluffy hair, pale skin with smudged makeup, and fiery red eyes.
DDawn let out a low chuckle.
"I think I just found my newest test subject."
DDawn looked down upon the jester who was currently staring up at him with defiant eyes.
  "Wouldn't you agree?"

This is my first time ever writing something and staying on track with it. I'm sorry if it's too long or DDawn's accent was bad I'm trying. Ok I tried to look up ways to write DDawn's accent but it was useless. I did see one that said don't write the accent but evoke it. So I just hope you saw DDawn's name and went with it I'm sorry I can't do more there. Look in the announcements book for designs.

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