Commander Sixth

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"Depends who's asking!" I reply leaning on the worn table.

I watched as irritation flicked across her cold green eyes
Her mouth set in determination.

Her blond hair fell forward as she leaned in closer. I caught a whiff of her scent, it smelled nice but did nothing for me.

"Let me get this straight she said !"

I could hear the control in her voice as she tried to remain calm.

"You was on the Beluga, when the incident happened!”

She was close now very close, it made me feel awkward perhaps that's what she wanted.

"Well" I drawled leaning back against the chair, I went to grasp my glass but it was empty.

Seeing my exaggerated look she sighed and poured me another from the bottle she had bought with her.

Music played in the background giving a friendly welcoming atmosphere. The bar was busy patrons sitting, standing talking laughing each oblivious to the others around them. I could see starships coming and going through the large view port.

It was my local, not the most popular bar in Boole Port, but busy enough.

"Let me ask you again" she said her words short stunted and to the point.

"Do you know commander Sixth?” I followed her lips entranced expecting more words

A coughing sound bought me back to the present.

"Know him, is maybe pushing it too far" I drawled laying on my thick accent .

She lent in closer, I could feel lips against my ear, her words low and silky.

"Do you know Commander Sixth?, What happened on the Starlight Queen?".

"I" my words were caught in my throat as I felt the barrel of a blaster pressed against my hip

"And this Broker what do you know of him?" her lips pressed against my ear, I could feel the blaster tracing a pattern on an area I would rather keep intact.

"Think about your answer carefully" she purred

"I get disappointed easily" the blaster came to rest against my crotch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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