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I was standing in the playground, they were surrounding me. Jenny, Grace and Amie, the three most popular girls in our year at school.

"What are you looking at?!" Amie, the leader of the group hissed at me. She was a lot taller than me, the tallest girl in our year, even taller than some of the next year up, so I had to look up to see her thin tanned face, she had long black hair and piercing blue eyes. She was the same age as me but she looked a lot older. She was wearing the school uniform, the white school blouse that looked baggy and horrible on me but was tight and smart on Amie, the long black school skirt that she had hitched up a lot and the long brown school stockings and ugly black school shoes. Now, that outfit sounds like it would look horrible but it made her look pretty and sweet, which she wasn't.

"Er... nothing" I mumbled, looking at the floor. She laughed.

"Good" She sneered and reached out to slap me. I stepped back briskly, knowing what would happen if she touched me.

"Don't. Touch. Me" I hissed at her. She frowned and looked angry, Jenny and Grace stepping forward to be in line with her.

"Don't tell Amie what to do!" Jenny squeaked. She was short and chubby, with short brown hair in a bob and small dark brown eyes which were now narrowed at me. She was wearing the same as Amie but Jenny looked terrible in it, I don't know why she is popular because she isn't exactly pretty or kind. Me and Jenny used to be friends before Amie decided she wanted her in her stupid silly little group of "friends" I almost told Jenny about my past but Amie took her away from me before I had the chance, I'm glad she picked her now because if not Jenny would have know everything and would have told everyone.

"I'm just saying, it would be better if you didn't touch me" I muttered, starring at the ground. They all laughed.

"Whatever" Amie said before she reached put and pushed me over, touching mg shoulder in the process. Everything went in slow motion from then on. She started screaming, staring down at her hand in shock. Jenny and Grace started crying and ran away out of the school gate, seeing as school had ended. I stood up slowly and walked over to Amie who had now stopped screaming and was just crying out in pain. I felt so guilty, but I did warn her!! She fell to the floor, still holding her hand and staring at it in shock, tears pouring out her eyes. I sat back down on the floor next to her and looked at her hand quickly. It looked terrible. It was swollen and red... it was on fire.

"I'm so sorry, I did warn you. I don't want this to happen again, for my life to change. Please survive." I said to her and started crying. She looked into my eyes and I could see the pain that she was feeling from the look in her eyes.

"Help me" She said before her head fell to the floor and she faded away slowly. I jumped up from the floor quickly and walked over to where she was sitting. I put my foot on the space where she had collapsed but there was nothing there other than the playground grass, nothing. I screamed and fell down onto my knees.

"NO! NOT AGAIN!" I screamed out in anger.

"Why does this have to happen every time I get settled into my new life!? THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO TOUCH ME WHEN I TELL THEM NOT TO??!!" I screamed before blackness surrounded me and all the memory's of my past life left me forever.


[A/N] Hey guys! So here it is, the prologue. I'm sure you wont understand much but don't worry, it will all be cleared up soon. I hope this chapter isn't too bad because I tried really hard on it. I won't be updating this book again for a while seeing as I have a load of more books to update.

Love Hollie xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2013 ⏰

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