The Aftermath

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Gun cracked an eye open and reached for his phone which had somehow ended up on the floor. He squinted against the bright light of the screen and read the influx of messages from his self-appointed son, Chimon.

Mae! What is this gossip I've been hearing about you going home with a dude you met at a club?!

Gun snorted and turned over in bed, seeing the fluffy top of Off's head, the rest of his body buried beneath the pristine white comforter of his bed. some truth to these rumors. Gun replied, sending a quick snap of him and Off to Chimon. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Gun dropped his phone back onto the floor and snuggled closer to the taller man, attempting to be the big spoon by tucking his knees behind Off's and wrapping his arms around Off's middle.

"Gun?" Off mumbled, voice croaky. He kept his eyes closed as he rolled over, effectively spooning the smaller Gun with his longer limbs. "Don't even try to be the big spoon."

Gun giggled as Off's breath warmed the back of his neck. "Yeah, yeah, P'. Go back to sleep."

Off was already snoring. Gun smiled and closed his eyes.



Gun nearly had a heart attack and dropped the tray of coffee he was carrying to Chimon and Godji.

"Of course, he told you," Gun said dryly, setting down the tray on the table. He dropped the satchel he was carrying into an empty seat and was met by an accusatory look from his friend-slash-mother Godji and a knowing look from Chimon.

"What?" Chimon asked innocently. "As if you could keep shit like this from Grandmère."

Godji nodded vigorously, one hand daintily on her chest. "What the heck happened last night? How drunk did you actually get? Who is he?"

"First off," Gun said, "I wasn't that drunk." His friends gave him another look. "Okay, maybe a little."

"Yeah right," Chimon muttered to himself, sharing a look with Godji.

Gun cleared his throat impatiently, "As I was saying, I wasn't completely wasted. We were both consenting adults. I brought him home. We had sex. It was great," Gun tacked on dreamily.

"Why do you have stars in your eyes, P'?" Chimon asked suspiciously. "You're usually more... stringent with your one-night stands. You don't do heart eyes. Or call sex great. You gloat, but you're never descriptive."

Godji sipped her latte and analyzed the lovestruck look on Gun's face. "N'Gun. He isn't a stranger, is he?"

"Nope!" Gun replied happily, grabbing a cookie and giving it a big bite.

"He's not?" Chimon asked, eyebrows coming together in the middle of his forehead. "Who is he then?"

Gun smiled, "My first love."

"IT WAS OFF JUMPOL?" Godji shrieked.

A flock of birds outside the café suddenly took off from the high-pitched squeals from inside.


Off sneezed suddenly, making him drop the plastic bottle he was holding into the kitchen sink.

"You okay, bro?" Tay asked, looking up from his laptop.

Off sniffed and pulled a piece of tissue from the box next to his friend. "I'm fine. We're getting too old for clubbing, peng," he joked.

"No way!" Tay argued, "We're what? 28? Prime of our lives. The twenties are all about the clubs and alcohol."

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