{Chapter 6: Sneaky}

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Aragon's PoV : Anne was in the hospital. She was due to be discharged the next afternoon. But I knew she was scared and upset. So I decided to be sneaky and bring her cat to the hospital.

Aragon hid Millie under her jacket and managed to get it into Anne's room. Anne and Catherine were both fast asleep so she put Millie on Anne's chest where she curled up quite quickly and fell asleep.

The next morning, Anne woke up to find Millie curled up on her chest

Anne: Millie!
Catherine: Millie?
Anne: What? How did you get here?

Anne quickly pulls her cover up and over the kitten to keep her hidden

Catherine: Someone's gotta have been sneaky to do this.
Anne: Jane?
Catherine: I don't think so. She gets all annoyed about animals being in hospitals.
Anne: it wouldn't have been kitty. Or Anna really. So Aragon?
Catherine: It could have been. I think she's still trying to make up for everything that happened

Anne sighs and starts stroking Millie and almost instantly relaxes.

A few hours later, all the queens have arrived at the hospital and it was revealed that Aragon had brought Millie

Jane: Aragon you know how I feel about animals in hospitals!
Aragon: Uh Jane I think Anne deserves it. She's been pushed off a steep hill and has come close to breaking her neck and back. I think her cat can come here. Anyway. I got it cleared.
Jane: Fine. In that case it's okay.
Anne: Listening to you listing everything that happened. God how am I still alive

Anne feels someone take her hand and look up to see Anna

Anna: Anne you are unbreakable. Literally. You've had so much thrown at you. You need a break. I mean. With struggling with your mental health, now physically getting injured. How strong you are is incredible

Anne smiles slightly and stares up at the ceiling thinking about everything that has happened to her in the past year. It's crazy.
But before she can think properly, the doctor comes in to discharge Anne.
She spots Millie and her stern look immediately softens and goes over and strokes her.

Doctor: Lovely cat isn't she
Anne: Yeah she is.
Doctor: Right. It's all been cleared and we are free to discharge you. You are gonna have to be careful for a while until the stiffness has gone. But we can sort out physio sessions to get you back to normal.
Anne: Okay. Let's just do it

Catherine picks up Millie and holds onto her while Anne sits up. Seeing the pain on Anne's face makes Catherine worry even more. But Jane notices

Jane: Cathy. She's okay
Anne: I'm okay. It's just achy.

Anne manages to sit up and the doctor helps her onto her crutches.

Anne: It's so much easier to move around using these
Doctor: Well you don't have to put any weight on your back so it's releasing the pressure on it. And then releasing the pain.

Anne spends about half an hour doing typical tasks so the doctor knows she will be okay and won't have any further issues. And she is finally discharged. It takes Anne longer than normal to get into the car but they finally arrive home and Anne sits down on the sofa.

Anne: Well. What a weekend
Jane: Isn't that one of your lines?
Anne: Yeah-  oh god the show! I can't perform in it!
Catherine: It's all good. Vicki is on the case. She will take over Boleyn until you are back
Anne: Oh. Thank god
Kitty: Can we watch a film?
Anna: Yeah good idea. What one?

Anne gives Catherine a look and says

Anne: Coco

Catherine stares at Anne and sees her start smiling and can't help smiling too.
She goes over and sits next to Anne and the queens all sit down to watch a film together and a family.
And Anne finally is able to relax.

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