2. Age: 17

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Having no idea on how I survived being stab 13 times, almost 4 years ago, I went into the family industry or some shit. Having books and  shiny sharp objects passed down from my father and-


"sweetheart, I can't fly with all my stuff. I'll drive."  I explained for the hundredth time.

"oh, yeah. oops. I forgot about that. well, I have to go now."

I love Missy half to death, but she's so ditzy and forgetful.

"I'M LEAVIN' ON A JET PLANE! DON'T KNOW WHEN I'LL BE BACK AGAIN!" Missy bellowed from the next room and I groaned and got up and started packing my stuff.

~ two days later~

"darling, you aren't of age to be in here."  The lady behind the counter said.

"Lady, I'm not in here for the booze, I'm waiting for somebody, you might know him. kinda tall, jet black hair, moody."

"Tristen! yes I know him. are you related?" She asked.

"No. just some family stuff that needs to be taken care of. urgently." I explained.

"well, it appears that he is here so I'll just leave you be."

"I don't like the looks of her."

somebody took a seat next to me.

"took you long enough. now can we finish what you started three years ago?" I muttered getting up.

"can I get a drink first?" he grumbled.

"no. dumb ass. now." I spat.

"fine, spicy motherfu-" my hand made contact with his face with a loud smack. "NOW."

"Jesus, you're more demanding than I remember."

"I grew up. now . start walking."


"well, that was more... bloody than I thought it'd be. Why did I park on the other side of the park?" I muttered walking back toward my beautiful fifties mustang.

my phone started ringing. "What, Mississippi?"

"DON'T, I was wondering when you coming back to the hotel room."

" well, I just finished that one thing, and knowing my luck I'll probably catch every red light so 30 minutes. tops."

"alright, well, I got booze and I guess we need to celebrate. so hurry up!"

"fine fine. bye" and hung up and like I said I caught 4 red lights, then a lady ran out in front of me.


"fudge. always the hero." I put it park and jumped out and ran after the lady.

"LADY! SLOW UP! JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled looking over my shoulder and guess what.  Vampire.

"Son of a bitch. okay I  could just double back and-"

"Hi, sweetheart. I really expected a guy to  fall for the bait. being that you know."

"GET. OFF. ME. "  I was totally freaking out and grabbing for anything. then it hit me.


"please, baby jesus save me. right now and I'll never bring another guy home or I'll stop drinking or or I go back to school."

"hey, dude. get off her."

he dropped me and turned his head, I quickly scrambled onto my feet and grabbed the knife I had and drove it through his chest.

"now, lets just forget about all this and we won't have a problem, Dude."

"is that your car down the road?"

"yes. why? I just want to go back and watch my friend drink because yeah."

"well, it's getting towed."

"NO! GODDAMMIT!"  and I started running towards my car.

"dude dude dude! stop. this is literally all I have right now. please! please please please!"

"fine fine! just because you're a kid. and obviously something is up."

"what? oh this? yeah just never mind that. bye bye."


"Missy I'm so- MISSY oh shit shit okay okay. it's okay. it's all good. sweetheart don't leave me okay? " I quickly dialed 911. but I was too late.

"no no no no no. Missy. Mississippi. I swear to god. I will find them. and, oh god. Mississippi please." the medics showed up and at up told me she died to multiple stab wounds and blah blah. I had to pull it together.

"does she have any family."

"not that I know of. teenage runaways. obviously." I muttered.

"well, we're going to have to take you in for questioning."

"no. I am not going. I was just going to skip town but hey, babe I'm not that kind of girl."

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