Chapter 3

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Pulling a handkerchief out of his breast pocket with practiced ease, Jeremiah Banks caught the sneeze in the fabric one-handed. In his other hand was the coffee mug his lovely wife had generously prepared for him that morning. He stood in a brightly lit elevator ascending to the highest level.

"Someone's talking about you," said Noah Ghecki, his new assistant, and the only other occupant of the elevator.

"Or more likely, I've caught a bug while moving out of the city," Jeremiah replied, folding away the handkerchief.

"You should get some rest, then. Maybe take the afternoon off."

"It's my first day at the new office. And you're suggesting I take a half-day?"

"Your health is more important than your work, sir." Ghecki's response was at the ready, almost leaving his mouth before hearing the question.

Jeremiah didn't immediately respond. The elevator's smooth ascent was noiseless. Its walls were glass and afforded an excellent view of the surrounding area. Although, there wasn't much to see, only houses and people and other boring things. This Ghecki boy sounds like he's been trained well by his previous boss.

"Nothing's more important than my work. And you talk too much," Jeremiah eventually replied.

"Sorry, sir," Noah said, bowing his head slightly. He didn't make eye contact with Jeremiah.

Jeremiah sensed something amiss in the boy's manners. He said, "You don't know what I do, do you?"

"No, sir," Ghecki replied.

"So why are you working for me?"

"I was assigned to you by my agency. When my former boss passed away, I was told to come here. As a de-stressor."

"You're very honest. I like that"

"Thank you, sir," Ghecki said and gave a mechanical smile.

An assistant that outlived his former boss. Not getting fired or quitting, the young man was incumbent as an assistant all the way until the final moments of someone's life. Jeremiah then said, "For today's meeting, I want you to pay attention to how things work with me. I'm sure you have your tendencies built up with your old boss. I'd like for you to forget all of those as quickly as you can."

"Yes, sir."

As the elevator dinged open, Jeremiah stepped into a wide reception area with Noah in tow. The room was a semi-circle with floor to ceiling windows on either side and large, wooden, paneled double-doors along the straight wall. It was guarded by a receptionist typing furiously into dual-wielded phones.

He said, "Good morning, Hye-rin."

The receptionist frowned at being interrupted, but her face immediately lit up after seeing who had arrived. She leaped from her chair and ran around the desk to give him a hug. "Ah, it's so good to see you, Dr. Banks. I'm so happy you decided to stay with the company. Dr. Deng was-"

"I know. Yixin likes to make a big fuss over things like this. But I was always going to be back. This is where my work is."

"Well then, there will be much to celebrate today." Hye-rin then straightened herself out and bowed slightly before walking the two newcomers to the door. "Mr. June and Dr. Deng are inside. I suppose you'll want me to announce that you're here."

"Yes, please. It's good to see you again, Hye-rin," Jeremiah said, waiting in front of the double doors.

After speaking on the phone, Hye-rin announced, "They're just wrapping up now. Shall I get some water for you?"

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