Chapter 1

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JonJon's Pov.

The park was bare, abandoned. As if every being had been devoured by the darkness that loomed over the theme park. But if you looked closely, and if you knew better, you could see the animatronics wandering around, talking to each other without fear of the outside world. Honestly? That's how it should be. They should be happy, and able to free to do what they want. Just like we can. Walking with them was a man in a red hoodie. The man who I needed to see.

I took in a long, deep breath. I did not want to do this. He was my friend. I didn't want any of this! But it had gone too far. He needed to see what was going on. "Bryan." My voice sounded rough, so unlike how it would have sounded about a year ago. "We need to talk." As I walked closer, the mood of the group changed instantly. It's once a happy go lucky feeling, now somber and worried. As if I was going to rip a limb off of them.

I could hear the scared swallow the man took, before plastering a obviously fake smile on his face. "S-sure Jon. What's up?" I lifted my arm, jestering to the hotel that they had just come from. "I'd rather say this in private if you please." His smile instantly fell. But he didn't refuse, the rockstar Bonnie patting him on the back before he started to walk. I could feel all of their death glares on my neck.

"D-did I do something wrong again?" It took me a minute to realize the park owner had even said anything. His voice sounded so broken and scared. Memories of not but a year ago began playing in the back of my mind. "I'm afraid so. A little birdy has told me you where trying to mess with the portal again. Even attempting to go into it." His head whipped around, the sound of his neck popping echoing threw the park.

"Who told you that?!" his voice was panicked, as if I had just found out his ultimate secret. Or his worst fear. I couldn't help the smirk that threated my pale lips. "I think you should more be worried about what your animatronics will think once they find out you've been lying to them. Again." He stopped walking, he almost looked like a deer caught in headlights. I could vaguely see the way his hands shook in the darkened night.

My heart gave a sharp jab at the pathetic scene in front of me. "Please don't tell them! I was only trying to help! I just want to find out where these twisted animatronics are coming from! To protect them!" I sighed as I heard his breathing pick up. I needed to be careful. This could end very badly if I wasn't aware of my moves. "I know you do, but you need to leave that to Derpy and Molten. They know more about the portal than you. They know how to be safe."

His expression of complete sadness made me want to go up and hug him. Tell him it was going to all be ok. But I couldn't. Not with so much on the line here. "If you don't stay away from that death machine, I will tell your animatronics. For now, I will have someone montering the portal at all times." I turned my back to the man. I could no longer look at him. "This isnt some toy you can fix if broken Bryan. Don't treat it as such."

Without another thought, I began to walk away. I could hear the faint sound of sniffling behind me. I needed to get out. I needed to leave. Now. As I past the group that I had interrupted before, I picked up my speed. The entrance was right there. Faster, go faster! I could feel myself begin to sweat. By the time I finally made it to my care, Molten was already in the passengers seat waiting for me.

"By the way you ran out of there I assume it didn't go well." I couldn't help but chuckle. Molten had been there. Watching us. But he always acted like he didn't know. I ran my gloved hand threw my hair. "About as well as it can go when you tell someone they are in trouble." I placed my head on the steering wheel as he chuckled. "I guess so. But he didn't have to cry over it. You where just doing the best thing for him and his park."

We sat in silence the entire way home. The only sound coming from Molten's gears grinding. Its funny. You would think that an animatronic would want to stay with his friends and live with them. But no matter how many times I told him he could stay, he become quite and still get in the company car with me. It's like he wanted to stay with me. It actually made me feel good that he may actually like me.

Finally, after a good thirty minutes, we made it to my apartment complex. By now no one would have been in the lobby so Molten could sneak up with me without the fear of someone watching in fear. "Don't forget to lock the doors." I heard him mumble as he headed towards the glass doors. A small smile graced my lips. Despite what he says, its very obvious he cares. Maybe not for me, but just in general.

As I fallowed suit, I could feel my business man mask begin to fade. A genuine small began to appear as I realized Molten decided to wait for me by the elevator. His gaze looking at the floor embarrassed. It was times like these I felt like I could really just be me. No life threating thing forcing me to be the bad guy. "Hey." I said as I pushed the elevator button to our floor. "You wanna watch Stranger Things when we get up?" He turned to me with a look of curiousness. "What's Stranger Things?"

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