Chapter 3

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Molten's Pov.

His blood was pooling underneath him. His lilac shirt now stained dark red. I shouldn't have left him alone for so long. Not when something like this could have happened. The trash was dead. Or at the very least, he was knocked out. I couldn't use my full strength without hurting Jon in the process. But I had already been too late. The filth that called himself a human had cut his throat. Not deep enough to kill him, but just enough to leave a future scar.

I nudged Jon's body with my foot, his body remained still and stiff. If it wasn't for the soft rise of his chest, one would assume he was dead. Quickly I picked the business man up, kicking the door down to get out. Even with his makeup, he was becoming increasingly pale. His skin was becoming colder by the second. Without a second thought, I raced towards the one place that I could think of. Hopefully someone was there.


JonJon's Pov.

Everything was dark. As if I had a blanket over my face, or a blindfold on. I was aware I was being carried. I was aware that there were voices, but my brian wouldn't let me figure out who they were. "Oh my gosh Jon!" One screamed, a little too close for my liking. "Molten what the hell happened!? What did you do?!" Another, this one a bit farther yelled. "I didn't do anything! I found him like this! Are you going to help him or not!?"

I was aware of someone placing me on something. Something cold, almost burning to the touch. "Right now we need to stop the bleeding! Derpy said Otso went to medical school at one point, so maybe he'll know what to do!" A cold compress was placed on my neck, making me whine and turn my head away. A calm, motherly voice tried to calm me down. "Shush. It may not feel good, but it will help."

My eyelids felt like lead, impossible to open, just hanging like useless weights. "Tell us what happened Molten." A rough voice sighed, something cold, but comforting wrapped around my hand. "I found him like this. From what I could tell, he was jumped by one of the stupid scumbags that use the FreddyFazebear name." The thing wrapped around my hand tightened, but not to a painful amount.

"He told me to hang out with Lefty, so I said I would. Instead after he dropped me off, I followed him to the restaurant. By the time I made my way inside, he was on the floor bleeding out." Sounds of concern came from every direction. "But why would the man try and hurt Jon?" The rough voice laughed, obviously amused by the question. "When people know that they are doing something illegal, and they get caught, they will do anything to not go to jail."

For a long moment, no one said anything. I almost thought I dozed off, which would be a surprise considering the pain, until a loud bang broke the peaceful silence. "Where is he!?" a voice with an ancient yelled, footsteps rushed closer, the cold compress left my neck. "Ah geez Jon! Ok I'm gonna need disinfectant, a needle, thread, gloves, and I need this place fertilized immediately!"


Bryan's Pov.

Everything was happening so fast. One moment I was just hanging out with my animatronic friends, the next my oldest friend was bleeding out on my medical table! His face was pale, even when Ballora had cleaned off his makeup, his normally rosey cheeks were now a ghostly white. But the most concerning thing, was the giant gash across his normally tanned neck.

Molten refused to leave his side. Even when Otso came and we started getting everything ready, he still stayed by Jon's side. If it wasn't such a serious situation, I would have thought the scene was almost cute. But as the infirmary slowly began to smell like a real hospital, it was obvious that this wasn't the time to think about that. Jon was seriously hurt. My best friend was seriously hurt. And there was nothing I could do to help.

"Alright I'll work faster if you all leave." Otso muttered, putting on the gloves and a medical mask. It was honestly strange to see the man so serious. Despite his warnings, no one moved. I looked around at all the concerned faceplates and sighed. "Guys come on. Jon's gonna be ok. But he won't be if we dont let Otso work." A few protested before everyone single filed out of the small room. Everyone but a certain spaghetti like animatronic.

"Molten. Lets go." I sighed, but the bear stayed were he was. Gripping Jon's hand almost painfully tight. "Molten." I tried again, this time making sure I used a commanding voice. Once again, I went ignored. Otso sighed, stepping closer to Jon. "Come on buddy, you don't want to be here for this. He's gonna be ok." Finally he looked up, his one eye full of absolute sarow. Otso nodded, giving me a look. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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