Halloween With Victus

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Halloween in the mindscape was a horrific sight. The walls were splattered with blood, the stairs creaked, and there wasn't a spider in sight. Nor was there a side in sight.
Logan was cowering under his bed, haunted by shadows and things too quick to identify, but slow enough to see. Roman was busy sewing himself back together again, wincing at the mangled flesh along a finger making it hard to reattach. His head gave his body instructions, sighing dramatically from the floor. Virgil was locking away his pet spiders, keen ears listening for dreaded footsteps.
And yet, within a second, all three found themselves in grotesque handknit jumpers, stood around a table, with many painful carving tools beside four perfect pumpkins.
"Heya kiddos!! It's time for pumpkin carving!!"
A video. They were filming a video. All three adjusted themselves to Patton's preference, as if nothing was wrong.
"Well gosh, Padre, where do we start?"
Roman hated loved acting so dumb, but it kept him alive and clean.
"Well I'm very glad you asked, Princey! And I'll tell you how! But first I gotta tell you, the last person to finish gets stuffed with pumpkin goop and made into a decoration till Christmas!!"
The temperature seemed to drop ten degrees, and Virgil shared a look with the other two, then turned back to the camera, smiling.
"That sounds very logical. Where do we start?"
Logan cringed inwardly, hating the entire situation, but needed to stay alive just a little longer.
Patton took an inordinately long time explaining every step in patronising detail, then let the group fall into a tense silence, only broken by forced conversation.
Logan had carved a Gaelic symbol very intricately into his pumpkin, Roman a replication of a Monet painting, and Virgil a smiling storm cloud. Patton had carved a gruesomely accurate depiction of the three chopped into pieces.
"Well that was fun! Wasn't that fun?"
The three nodded in sync, shivering with pure fear.
"The loser will be announced tomorrow!!! Bye bye kiddos!"
The camera shut off, and Patton rounded on the trio with a too-wide smile.
"Well done, boys! I'm so proud of you all! You were so well behaved for me, you all get a treat!"
The boys exchanged a quite unnecessary confused look, and followed him into the kitchen, where a tray of brownies lay steaming on the table, seemingly untouched. They took one each, bit into them, and winced at the bitter taste.
Patton just laughed, a distorted sound as they swayed and gagged, bile rising and vision fading. That was the last thing they heard for a long while.
Because you don't usually find almonds in brownies.

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