Double Date?

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Gracyn's pov
"Matt stop it"I scolded as he kept arguing with Irene.
"It's not my fault she's acting like a child!"Matt growled.
"At least I know how to take a freaking joke."Irene said clenching her jaw.
"Oh you have to be kidding me Irene we all know that's not true."Matt laughed bitterly.
"You know what Matthew Lee Freaking Espinosa I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but when you decide to stop acting like a jerk you know where to find me."Irene said letting go of his t-shirt and walking out the door.
"What is wrong with you?"I asked Matt.
"I've been really stressed lately and I guess I tried to take it out on Irene."Matt said running a hand through his hair.
"You know you're gonna have to apologize right?"I told him.
"I kinda figured that but I'll do it when we come back from when we're going"Matt said.
"Where are we going?"I questioned.
"It's a surprise just go find Aly and she'll help you get dressed"Matt said pushing me out the door.
"Hey Aly"I said walking into her room.
"In guessing Matt sent you over here already."Aly said.
"Yeah he said you'd help me get dressed"I said.
"Then let's get started"Aly laughed,
She handed me a coral colored blouse,black leather jeans,and white pumps.
I pulled it on as Aly started curling my hair in lose waves.
"Gracyn don't move unless you want me to poke your eye out"Aly warned.
"Alright"I wined.
"Okay you're done now get your butt out of here"she said pushing me out the door as nash came in.
"You look great"Matt smiled.
"Same to you"I winked.

Alyssa's pov

"Ugh he made me so mad I wanted to stab him"Irene muttered.
"I thought Matt was your best friend?"I joked.
"If he was not anymore and if I had a best friend it would be Taylor or Shawn."Irene replied.
"So are we gonna sit here and age slowly or go do something fun because I'm not gonna be this age forever"I said wiggling my eyebrows.
"Where are we going then?"Irene asked teasingly.
"I got a feeling we can go eat and arrive back on time to have a movie night"I said.
"Fine with me just the two of us or are you gonna invite Cam?"Irene asked.
"If you don't mind we can invite cam"I said.
"Then go invite the boy while I get dressed"she said pushing me out of the room.
"Cameron"I yelled running into the room.
"Yes Alyssa"Cameron said laying on the bed.
"Get dressed"I said.
"Why?"he asked.
"Irene,you,and I are going to go eat food"I said falling off of the bed.
"Alright"he said getting up as I left.
I walked into Irene and i's room to see her wearing a pastel blue skater skirt and black crop top and black booties with her hair in a kind of mix between a French braid and fishtail.
I pulled on a mint skirt,the same shirt as Irene's,black booties,and braided my hair in a lose French braid.
"Are you ready?"Irene asked as I grabbed my purse.
"Let's go"I said walking out the door and heading into the elevator.
When the doors opened there stood Cameron and Hayes.
"You don't mind that I invited Hayes right?"cam asked.
"Not at all"Irene said putting on a fake smile and pushing past us.
"I'm guessing she's not "okay" with it"cam whispered.
"Guess not"I said following after her.

Irene's pov

"Oh my God, who is she? I get drunk on jealousy But you'll come back each time you leave 'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream"alyssa and I sung along more like yelled.
"Okay just give cam and I a second we have to get something for nash then we can head over to the diner"alyssa said.
"Alright"I said.
"So..."Hayes said looking at me.
"So..."i said.
"How've you been?"he asked.
"I don't like this I don't like how it feels freaking awkward between us Hayes we've known each other practically forever"I said.
"Well then let's not make it awkward"he said.
I placed my head in his lap and looked at him.
"Let's play a game"Hayes said.
"What game?"I asked.
"How about truth or dare"he suggested.
"Alright truth or dare?"I asked
"Truth"he said.
"When you saw sammy and I together we're you jealous?"I questioned.
"Just a little"he said.
"Truth or dare?"Hayes asked.
"Dare"I said.
"I dare you to kiss me"he said bluntly.
"Are you sure?"I asked sitting up on his lap.
"Positive"he mumbled as our lips connected.
"Guys were back-oh my god my eyes"Alyssa said.
We pulled away and I scooted over.
"So I see you guys were using yo your time"cam teased.
"Shut up cam and let's go eat"I said hitting his shoulder.
"I feel abused"cam joked.
"Shut up and drive"I mumbled.
"Today's gonna be a good day"alyssa laughed.

You guys must hate me for not updating in awhile.
I promise I'll update more frequently
Instagram:@Irene.Angel @TwerkForHayes
Twitter: @TasteTheGrier

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