Valentine's day (Till Lindmann)

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Hallo please enjoy my first story

Y/bff/n your best friends name
Y/n your name
Y/fb/n your favorite bands name

Today is valentine's day and I remember Till is on tour so I have no one to spend valentine's day with.Me and till have been together for 3 years(I know they been together since 1994 so pretend that they were not together 3 years ago)and every year  me and him would spend time  together and this year is the first time without him.

I was in bed listening to y/fb/n and I get a call from Till I answered
Till:Hi baby
You:Hi love how is tour
Till:good but I miss you so much I wish you were here
You:ahhh I wish I was there to my love but I can't I have school and you are on tour but I promise I will facetime you every day ok
Till:ok darling i love you so much happy valentine's day see you soon
You:bye baby boy see you soon
The call ended and you were sad that he will not to be able to be here for valentine's day

Till's POV
I am get on a plane to surprise my baby girl she does not know that I am coming to see her the only person that knows is y/bff/n she helped me plan all this

I was outside waiting for y/bff/n I see and I get in the car with her and we dive to y/n's place
(Skip to when he gets to her house)

We got to y/n house and I got her flowers I said bye to y/bff/n and I went to go knock on her door and wait for her to answer the door.

Y/n's POV

I was in the living room watching stranger things when I heard a knock I paused my show and went to go answer the door.when I opened the door I saw TILL he was holding my favorite flowers I jumped into his arms and started crying
Till:why are you crying my love
You:because you are here i thought you were on tour
Till:I was but our manager let us have a break
You:how many days are you going to stay here
Till:2 weeks so we get to do what ever we want all day
You:well why don't we get started
I kissed his lips they were so soft and they tasted like alcohol.we started having a make out session and things lead to the bedroom.
This is the best valentine's day EVER.
So what do you think of it did you like it if you have any requests please send me some

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