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"Visitation every third Sunday"

It was now 10:25 pm. The third Saturday of November. Your mind was racing.
"Should I visit him? He did beat you up. He has nobody else that would see him," You decide you'll sleep on it.

--Time skip--

You wake up at 11:00 am. You get some breakfast and remember, you still have to make up your mind about visiting Yancy. After breakfast, you decide to visit him.

--More time skips--

You walk up to the doors of the prison, hoping no one will recognize you, well, except for Yancy. You go to the desk.

"Are you here to visit somebody?" The lady behind the glass asks.

"I'm here to see Yancy..." You wonder what his last name is, before the lady interrupts you.

"Okay, what is your relationship with him?"

"I'm a friend," You reply.

"Okay, second door on the right, sit down in an open spot," The lady points down the hall. You thank her and go through the door. You sit down on the end seat, a few minutes later, Yancy comes through the door and sits on the other side of the glass.

"Y-yous actually came," he says, smiling, and with, tears in his eyes? He must not have had anyone visit him in a long time, or ever. It was sad to see.

"Yea, I did," 'God, I'm so awkward,' You think to yourself. After a few moments of silence, Yancy is the first to speak.

"It's good to see yous again, Y/N," there's something about the way he says it that makes your heart ache.

"It's good to see you, too." As you were about to say something else, the guard calls the prisoners back.

"Oh, it was good to see yous again, I hope we actually talk more. You'll be here again, right?" He asks, it looks like he has puppy dog eyes.

"Yea, I'll be here," You smile at him. He smiles back. You both wave as he leaves the room.

I hope this was okay :)

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