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Brooklyn POV

"Junior. You in here?" I said as I slowly opened his bedroom door. I walked in and looked for him but he was nowhere to be found.

I sighed in relief.

I went to his closet and took one of his Jordins. "This will go perfectly with my outfit," I said picking up the sneakers.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I heard from behind me. I turned and saw a furious Junior.

"Huh?" I said.

"What the hell are you doing in my damn room!" He yelled which caught me off guard. He looked down and saw me still holding his sneakers. "The hell Brook!" He yelled snatching his sneakers away from me. He went over and placed them where I got them.

"Can I borrow your sneakers?" I asked.

"Hell no," he said. "Get the fuck out of my closet," he said pushing me.

I stopped when we got out and turned to face him. "Stop touching me," I said pushing his chest.

He then pushed me so hard I fell on the floor. I landed on my butt and Junior bursted out laughing.

"You son of a bitch," I said getting up then I punched his stomach hard. He crouched down, holding his stomach while wincing in pain. "That's what you get for pushing me you twerp," I spat.

As I was about to reach the door Junior yanked my hair from behind then placed me in a headlock.

"Let me go Corey," I said squirming in his grip but he just made his grip more tight.

The door swag open and in came dad. "What in hell are you two doing?"

Ain't it obvious? We are fighting.

He then broke the fight. "You two, go downstairs. Your mama wants to tell y'all something important," he said.

We got out and jogged downstairs to the living room. The twins were already sitting down so I also made myself comfortable next to Josline and Junior sat next to Justin on the other side.

"Good you are all here," my mom said as she sat on the opposite couch next to my dad. "Well, I've got some news for you guys."

Well duh. That's the whole reason we are here.

"Are you going on tour?" Junior asked.


"Are you releasing a new album?" I asked.


"Are we getting a pet iguana?" Justin asked.

"No, what I'm trying to say is-"

"Are we getting a pet elephant?" Josline asked.

"Sweet heavens! Let my wife speak!" Dad yelled.

Justin tilted his head. "What's with the yelling daddy?" He said and dad rolled his eyes.

"Are y'all done speaking?" She asked and we all nodded. "I'm pregnant."

"Why didn't you just tell us from the get go?" I said with my head tilted. "You made us wait to hear such great news," I said pouting. I went over to my mom and gave her a hug. "Congratulations mama," I said.

Junior went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Congratulations mama." My mama then thanked us.

"Hello," my dad said waving. "How come y'all aren't congratulating me? I helped when making the baby," he said and we just laughed at him.

I then turned my attention to the twins who were still glued to their seats. "Hey you two. Aren't y'all happy?" I asked.

"I'm just confused. I don't know what pregnant means?" Justin said.

"I second that," Josline said.

My mom moved from her seat and went to sit next to Josline. "It simply means you guys are gonna have a new baby sibling in about seven months," she said and the twins faces lit up.

"Really?" They said in unison, smiling from ear to ear and mom nodded.

"Where's our sibling now?" Justin said.

"Your sibling is in mommy's tummy," mom said rubbing her stomach.

Josline then lifted up mom's shirt, exposing her flat stomach. "Our sibling in in there?" she said confused while pointing at mom's stomach. "How come your tummy is flat mommy?" She asked.

She chuckled. "Your sibling is still growing. Imma end up with a big belly," she said.

The twins looked at each other like they just had an epiphany.

"Wait," Justin said with his hand up. "How did our sibling get there?" He said pointing at mom's stomach.

"Forget what he said," Josline said. "The real question is where do babies come from?"

The room lapsed into silence.

This twins are just way too curious for their own good.

"That's enough questions for today," dad said. "Come you two. Let's give mommy time to rest," he said and the twins followed him upstairs and Junior went to the kitchen.

My mom still had her stomach exposed then she started rubbing it while smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that? You are acting like this is your first pregnancy," I said as I went to sit next to her.

"No matter how many times I get pregnant. I'm always excited like its my first time," she said and she lowered her shirt to cover herself. "You do know that for the next seven months, you guys have to help me minimize my stress levels so that it may not hurt the baby?"

"How can we help?" I said confused.

"For starters, you guys should be on your best behavior which will minimize me yelling and being mad," she said and I nodded. "That's my girl. Imma tell the rest of your siblings," she said and she got up and went to the kitchen.

This is just exhilarating. As much as the twins get on my last nerves at times but I still do enjoy being their older sister. Now there is gonna be new addition to the family and I'm so excited.

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