| Waves of Love |

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Roshni's POV



"How are you?"

"I'm good. This place is so beautiful. Can you hear them?"

"Ssshhh... close your eyes. Now listen."

Cooo... Coooo... Coooo...

Chirp... Chirp... Chirp...


Cooo... Coooo... Coooo...

Chirp... Chirp... Chirp...


"This melody is enchanting. Who is singing this song?"

Chirp... Chirp...


"Hey! Where are you?"

Cooo... Coooo... Coooo...


"Helllloooo!" I wake up with a jolt as a shrill voice dissolves my tranquil dream.

"Sleeping at work? Are you serious girl? What's the progress with your work?" My annoying boss hovers over me as she pierces her cold black stare through me.

"Umm... I'm sorry Naina. Actually, I'm not getting any kind of inspiration to write motivational stories." I say sheepishly looking down preparing myself for another round of lecture.

"What do you mean by not getting inspiration? For God's sake, you are a writer! It's your job to write for our magazine. This is why you are hired. Not to sleep and daydream! And what inspiration are you talking about? Just open your eyes and look around. Inspiration will come within a blink of an eye. Please Roshni. I need..."

Yeah right. Ever heard of writer's block? Why do writers even have this block? Irritating! Shut up, you stupid mind.

"Roshni! Are you even listening to me?" My boss shouts as she slams her palm on my desk drawing everyone's attention once again.

"Yes, I am listening." I peep around only to find everyone trying their best to suppress their laughter.

"You better submit your work by next week, or else try searching for a new job. And you all..." Naina looks at others with her piercing gaze and continues, "...is any kind of show going on here that you all have stopped working? Get back to work. Right now! And Roshni, this is your last chance."

Lecturing me for the second time since this morning, my boss goes towards her room as her stilettos click against the whitish green-designed marbled floor.

I slump down my tired body on my revolving chair ignoring the fake sympathy that is clearly visible on the faces of my colleagues.

"Another day of monotony!" I sigh as my mind brings back that one thought which I want to run away from.

Why am I even alive? What's the reason that I am still breathing? It's not that I've any important work to do for which I've to live.

"Ugh! Bloody mind!" I massage my forehead as a heavy feeling lingers in between my eyebrows. It's as if a huge mountain is rooted on my head and it's sharp stones are piercing my temples while gliding down.

"Woah! Why so stressed in the early morning? Long steamy night?" Hearing the mischief in the tone, I immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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