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I sat down in my regular seat. The one in the very back of the class. Where no one would bother me or make fun of me, at least for now.

I hated my life. I had two friends, Calum and Ashton, but they where always too busy hanging out with each other to notice, hey I'm here.

Everyone else hates me. Probably because I'm gay. I didn't want my secret to get out, but it did. I remember the day clearly.

" Hey, uh Michael can we talk?" Ashton asked pulling me off to the side in the locker room.

" What's this about Ash? "

" Well, rumors are spreading that you dated Andrew Wilkes.... a-are you gay? "

The walls felt as if they where closing in around me. After I broke up with Andrew he spread the rumors everywhere and my secret was officially out.

Even before that though, people hated me. But now everyone, even the teachers, looked at me in disgust.

I sighed as the bell rang, dismissing us all to lunch. We where allowed to leave campus for lunch as long as we came back.

I walked out of the double glass doors and started walking down the sidewalk towards the closest library. At least there no one would be able to yell vulgar names at me.

As I stepped in, I heard faint talking in a different room. I went straight to the second floor of the library, the one where all the non-fiction was. Everyone hated non-fiction right?

I found a seat at a table in the far corner of the room next to a window. I shoved my earbuds in my ears and blasted All Time Low. I subconsciously began humming along to Therapy as I stared out of the window.

I jumped when I turned to see a boy sitting across from me. I pulled my earbuds out and looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

" Therapy by All Time Low, huh? " he asked.

I nodded and cleared my throat. " Um.. yeah. "

He smiled. " I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings. "

Luke Hemmings. I knew right then and there that I wouldn't be able to forget this boy. Those crazy blue eyes that I could get lost in forever.. that tall blonde quiff... that black lip ring...

" Helloo? Gonna tell me your name or are you just gonna stare at me? " he asked cockily.

I laughed nervously as I felt my face flush.

" Uh I'm Michael Clifford. "

" Like the big red dog? "

I laughed. A real laugh. I hadn't felt one of those in at least a year.

" Yeah. Like the big red dog. "

He pulled his lip ring in between his teeth and looked at me for a few seconds longer than a normal person would and then smiled.

" Well, Michael like the big red dog ... wanna get outta here? "

A smile involuntarily painted it's way across my face. I hadn't really smiled in a long while.

" Yeah. Yeah let's go. "


" Luke, what are we doing? " I laughed as we pulled up in the parking lot of a tall office building.

" You'll see " he said with a smirk.

I stepped out of his black camero at the same time he did and followed him to the parking garage of the building.

We walked into the elevator and he pressed the rooftop level.

" Luke what the heck are we- "

" Ssh " he said. " Patience young grasshopper. "

I chuckled quietly and nodded as the elevator doors binged open at the top.

He grabbed my hand making my heart speed up and led me over to the side, where the railing was shorter.

He let go of my hand and pulled something out of his jacket pocket. It looked like a bag of Cheerios.

He opened it and handed me one.

" What am I supposed to do with this? "

He leaned over the rail slightly and looked around before pointing out a man walking down the sidewalk.

" Aim there. " he smirked.

I mocked a gasp and put my hand on my chest. " Lucas, how dare you think I would go along with these delinquent acts! "

He chuckled. " Throw it! "

I squinted down and chucked the Cheerio at the man. It nailed him in the back of the head, causing him to yelp and whip around.

Luke grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the elevator thing. It was only big enough for one of us to fit, so he was pressed against my chest. His face was just inches from mine.

He peered around slowly and smiled.

" All clear Clifford. "

I laughed. " You're such a dork, Hemmings. "

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