Part 2

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It was just another regular day, of me trying to find more people for my list. I have made three friends so far.

I'm at  a new school I transferred myself to, and its lunch right now so I need to add more people on my list. I decided that I will need to get more boys as friends, so I walked over to where a  group of about three boys were sitting and sat by one of them.

"So what are you boys doing?" I asked them in my most sweetest voice ever. "O-oh n-nothing, but you c-could join us if you want too" One of the boys said back. "Sure that will be great!" I smiled. 'What a bunch of losers' I thought to myself.

"So do any of you want to be my friends? You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll understand," I asked them looking sad, "I mean no one really wants to be my friend so I'll just leave you boys." They sat in their spots silent for a moment then one reached out and grabbed my wrist and said, "No wait, don't go. We'll be your friends. Why don't you just hang out with us until lunch is over?" 

"Are you sure? I don't want to bug you so.....I mean if you insist sure I'll sit with you guys" I slightly smiled. 'Good now I have three more dumb douches on my list, they'll have no idea whats coming' I smiled at the thought.

-------Time Skip / After School at Home-------

'Ugh I'm so hungry... Maybe I should just run to some fast food place' I walked over to my bedroom and slipped on some black ripped jeans and threw on a black hoodie with my fishnet gloves. As I was walking out the door I grabbed my wallet and put on my black boots.

As I shut my door I realized I forgot something that was necessary for me to have. I opened the door again, walked back in and grabbed a small pistol and connected it to one of the chains on my belt.

Once I knew I had everything I put my hood over my head and walked out the apartment. When I was out the building I sighed and gazed up at the dark sky. "It's so nice and dark, I wonder why, normally it's so fucking bright out and it burns my eyes. I wish we didn't have a sun in this shitty world, and it would be dark all the time" I whispered to myself.

When I was about half way there I decided to take a nice relaxing shortcut through a dark alleyway where no one would see me, and maybe where I could also practice my shooting skills by killing rats.

As I started walking through the alleyway I heard some footsteps coming from behind me. "WHO THE FUCKS THERE!?" I screamed. "Haha, aren't you sweet," a voice replied. A few seconds later I felt arms around me. "Hey it's a girl too. We were lucky today," A different voice joined in. 

"Bitch please, do you know what happened to the last guy that touched me. Well he died," I said while reaching for my gun. When I grabbed it I aimed it at the guy standing in front of me and pulled the trigger. 

*BANG* The guy in front of me fell down and held onto his chest, "What the fuck. Who do you think you are?" I laughed and said, "I'm a murderer hon, have you heard of that other town where all of those people got murdered at? Well I murdered them. Bye." They all looked at me astonished and when one of them was about to say something, I shushed them, "If any of you go to the police, I will find you. And I will give no hesitation to end your fucking useless lives."

As I walked away from the group of idiots I thought to myself, 'Well that was stupid, I should've just killed them. It would have been enjoyable.'


When I finished getting my food I came home and just sat on the couch and turned on the news.

Breaking News

In an alleyway one man had gotten shot while his friends witnessed it all. They said that the person who shot the man was a female and that she said herself that she had murdered all of those people from the other town and the police did not find the culprit. They did not see any details about the girls appearance because all she was wearings was a dark hood.

'Ha those idiots will never find me! I think I'm just going to go to bed now.' I thought to myself.

That's it for chapter two hoped you enjoyed it! Thanks for voting if you did😁

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