Chapter 3

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<Third person>


"Is it You?" the girl asked softly eyes wide

"Yeah, it's me" the boy whispered his eyes never straying from hers

The two collided softly and wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace both not wanting to release the other for fear it would turn out that the other was never there at all. They collapsed to the floor in shock of the situation on their knees not loosening their grip as Ben used some of his power to help them land gently on the carpet.


I don't believe it, it's her she's alive right here in my arms. "W-where have you been!" I exclaimed, "I-i thought you were dead, everyone thinks you're dead!" I pulled away from the hug my hands now on her shoulders "you've been gone since the night your mother passed away ten years ago! Where-" Did she just flinch? "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I just miss them that's all, my mom dad, and brother I mean, I miss them every day" she replied looking down at her lap


He wrapped me back in his arms, I hugged back relishing in the feeling, after a few minutes

"I think it's time I tell you what happened after I disappeared...


'Run' was the only thought passing through my head as I ran through the dark allies and lampless streets of the city stopping only when I collided with what felt like a person and fell backward

"Oh, dear! Are you okay?" asked the kind voice of a woman

I looked up scared, eyes wide only to see the source of the voice looking down at me with concern. When I didn't respond she reached down and scooped me up into her arms

"Let's get you inside shall we, it is a rather cold night"

**Time skip three months later**

"Nira sweetie, Come on down it's time for school!"

"Coming!" The girl ran down the stairs her hair braided and her little black backpack in hand as she put her shoes on by the front door. The drive to the school took about ten minutes, the two got out of the car and walked towards the building, after entering Nira ran down the hall towards her classroom. She had been going to the school for two and a half weeks and today there was going to be a new student sitting in the empty seat at her table. She opened the door and looked around, her gaze sweeping across the room until it landed on the seat next to hers, a person was sitting there! She walked across the room and sat down,

"Hi! I'm Nira, What's your name?"

"I'm Flynn Heart" the boy replied quietly

"Hi Flynn, do you want to be friends?"


**Time skip - 10 years later**

The black-clad teen strolled through the mall on the way to the food court when she saw it, the sight made her blood boil. They were picking on Flynn, sure at one point she had left to go to a different school a few years previous, but them bullying him after she had left would not stand.

The girl's eyes went black, wind spun around her in a transparent tornado occasionally tearing up tiles from the floor and flinging them as she walked forward, step by step closing the gap between her and where Flynn had fallen over due to being shoved by one of the earlier mentioned bullies. The wind wrapped gently around the boy as the girl passed setting him softly back down on his feet, while the culprits weren't so lucky they were lifted into the air and twirled around but the girl's aim was not to harm she only placed them back down on the ground in a pile and spoke a warning,

"You would do better to be nice to people, you would make more friends that way."

And with that, she was gone seeming to simply have vanished into thin air.

*Later that week*

A knock sounded on the door while Nira sat in her room finishing her Summer homework for school, it was only a few weeks till the new school year started.

"Nira, come down here please!" called her mother

She walked down the stairs and into the living room where her mother was sitting with three men she didn't recognize, the first one had light gray hair that almost looked blue in the light of the room and wore a nice white dress shirt and black tie, the second taller than the first had stiff black hair and whose a black tuxedo and tie and a medium gray dress shirt, and the third with medium gray-brown hair sat there in a dark grey leather jacket

"Mom, who are these people?"

"Hello, Ms. Carter, it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Samuel Johnson," spoke the one with grey hair "though you may call me Mr. Johnson, and these are my colleagues Mr. Karl Park and Carson Frost." he gestured first to the black-haired man and then to the other sitting next to him. "We were present at the mall the day of the incident earlier this week meeting with a candidate for our school when you defended a boy, Flynn Heart from a few students who were threatening him-"

Nira tensed up, she didn't think anyone had seen her face when it had happened! And how did they know her other last name!?

"-and we would like to offer you a full scholarship to Cloverwood High School"

**End of Flashback**

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