Everyday Thoughts

23 3 9

A/N: Hi humans so, I kind of became impatient and decided to update early. I mean if I can do it now why wait? Also this chapter will be a little confusing since the narrator will be speaking to themselves but she's not talking out aloud just giving herself instructions on how to act. I  really hope you enjoy reading it because I definitely had fun writing it. I'll update in a week or so maybe less. Okay, I'll stop talking now.

Grit your teeth and clench your jaw. 

If you're too pissed off to smile then just appear indifferent.

Don't respond. Try block out their voice as much as you can so that, your fist doesn't end up against their face.

Keep your hands busy but, stay away from sharp objects you don't want to be sent to jail because you stabbed someone in an irate frenzy. 

Go to your room and force yourself to eradicate those hurtful words out of your mind. Watch some anime, read some books, write something down while you're at it too. 

Forget, forget, forget and if you can't do that then, put their words at the back of your mind. Push, push, and push those venomous words, that once made tears crawl out of your eyes, into a place deep inside of you where they will not arise and make you want take out a knife.

*Next day*


*The day after that*


*Days after the day after that*

Repeat. Until, you become so numb that their words enter from one ear and out the other.

Repeat until you can no longer emit or experience any emotion.

A Collection of A Potential Crazy Person's Dark Thoughts and RamblingsWhere stories live. Discover now