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Thanks for reading! The actual story starts in this chapter, so be sure not to skip anything! Thank you again.


         "In the beginning, we were free. We could do whatever we wanted. Well, not quite, but whatever we wanted within the law. No one was killed for a wrinkle in their uniform and everyone had food, at least, that's what Mama told us. Although I've always suspected that she had sugar-coated the old world for us. After all, nothing was as perfect, least of all our world.  If our world was perfect, then we would have Mama and Papà, if our world was perfect then we would be free, not waiting on the wretched Aliens, the Z'eayn. If the world was perfect, we wouldn't be in the middle of Space, standing in front of a broken creature, if the world was perfect, this creature wouldn't be so destroyed and broken.

(I know this is kinda confusing, just bare with me here.)

           You probably don't really understand what's happening, so I'll start from the beginning. It was 2397, year 81 of Veliv under Z'eayn rule. I was just 14, and we were all slaves to the Z'eayn Aliens. Ah, here we go. Shut your trap, our story is beginning. All of your questions will be answered soon. Just. Listen."

            A thud woke me from my sleep. I sat up, alarmed and hissed in pain as the bandages from yesterday's lashes shifted. As I waited for the pain to pass I looked around. Rin was still fast asleep, I smirked, my older brother slept like the dead. I yawned and laid back down, another thump jolted me awake. What was that? I rolled out of bed and looked out our small window. A bird was banging its head against our window repeatedly. I groaned. Really Ani? It was too early for this. I opened the window and let Ani's bird inside. The bird (whose name was Catia) was our only way of communication after and before curfew. I had hated the idea. I mean, what if we got caught?

      The Z'eayn were ruthless when it came to punishment. I shuddered, thinking of some of the punishments they have given out for far less than this, I don't want any more lashes. Ten was more than enough for one day. 

      Catia pecked my hand, I quickly retracted it from her vicinity and rubbed it, "Ow..." I muttered, Catia tilted her head questioningly, as if she were waiting for something. "Alright, I'll get you your food. Come on, Catia." I headed towards the ladder that led downstairs. Catia follows, making a weird sound that I've learned not to question. The bird can really peck. I opened a cupboard, stealing a glance at the clock. 5:10. I should probably make breakfast and wake Rin up. I poured out some seeds for Catia and sat down to read the note Ani had sent me.

          Dear Zyla,

I am going to remind you, yet again you NEED to finish the mending for Lady As'sai. She has given you three days. You only have one more day! I don't want you getting hurt again because you forgot to mend a stocking or something. Also, how are you? How's your brother? I know I'll see you later, but I miss my best friend!

                    With love, your best friend, Ani.

I smiled, Ani was awesome. I had already finished the mending and was planning on bringing it in today, but I really appreciated her concern. Most people only worried about themselves, and it was refreshing to have someone care, besides my brother. As I reread the letter, I smirked, Ani totally liked my brother but she wouldn't ever admit it. She had even given up half of her food ration when food was being kept from us as punishment. Granted, she almost got caught and Rin wouldn't accept the food. I sighed, speaking of which, I should probably make some food. Walking over to the fridge, I grabbed two eggs, I was probably just going to make eggs and toast. We didn't have much meat, prices have skyrocketed in the last week for an unknown reason.

             As I finished cooking I heard a sound from behind me. Turning around, I saw Catia pecking at the window. I walked over to her and opened the window slightly. She flew out and I quickly closed the window before anyone saw it. No one was allowed a window or door open before 5:40, not even a crack. I heard a sizzling from behind me. The food was ready, I grabbed some plates and set the table. Checking the clock, I was surprised to see that it was already 5:30. I should change and wake Rin up. We both had to get to work.

           I was a maid in a Z'eayn house and Rin was an engineering apprentice for the electrical plant just near where I worked. He wasn't old enough to work as the main engineer, so he was studying under the main one. However, he was expected to work just as much as the others. Even though he was only 14, he was expected to work long hours. And the other workers made him do more dangerous jobs too. The Z'eayn in charge of the Electrical plant didn't care much about the humans working for them, so the humans got electrocuted a decent amount of the time. They were lucky to have protective suits. I've tried to get Rin to quit, but he won't, apparently, the Electrical Plant pays well. He was incredibly smart for his age and would be one of their most valuable workers once he had gotten older, so I guess they tried to not kill him and tried to take good care of him. However, most of the time he was so exhausted and had received his share of shocks, sometimes so much that he could hardly walk.

       I worried about his health daily. In fact, one time I was so worried after he practically dropped onto the floor during dinner I got distracted at work and got whipped for breaking a dish. I'd already taken whips earlier as compensation for him missing a day of work and was close to tears the entire day. Of course, I never told him that he was part of the reason I got whipped. It would have hurt him so much... I couldn't do that to him.

       Besides, I was fine. He already had a lot on his plate. He didn't need more to worry about. Especially if it was my problem. If I got whipped or hurt, I wouldn't tell him. I'd take a thousand whippings for him. And if he asked if I was okay afterward I'd smile, tell him I was fine and make a joke. He didn't need to know. And of course, I knew how much it would hurt him if he knew how often I got whipped and kept it from him. That's why he wouldn't even know. He wouldn't know that I got ten lashes yesterday for dropping a cup. I'd gotten used to moving around with bandages on my back. As sad as it was to think about, I'd gotten used to the pain of everyday life. I'd gotten good at hiding it too. I shook my head. I needed to wake Rin up.

                  Thank you for reading! I'll be out with the next part shortly.


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