The Answer //Chapter 4//

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Kami POV:

"Would you like to be?" Shin asked

There was a uncomfortable silence after that and i didnt know what to say I-i like him d-dont i? I mean I do but is it for the best... does mina really agree after the last guy?

"Umm... kami...?" He asked snapping me outta my thoughts.

"Ye-yea?" I answered trying not to stutter but failing miserably.

"I think you should go" He said more like he was trying to tell himself.

Standing up letting the silence sit in as I left shinsous dorm...
My mind was still frozen I was in shock atleast he likes me back That's good right I thought to myself...God I need to talk to mina and fast I thought while picking up my paste passing my dorm.

"I swear to go mina u better be in ur dorm" I said in a whisper

I soon arrived at minas dorm knocking until she opened the door and I hit her shoulder

"Srry mom!" I joked being serious about my apology though.

"God kami it's late what do u want" she said annoyed.

I couldnt keep it in anymore tears started to flow down my face faster then I could wipe them away.

"Oh no kami baby it's ok I'm here what happened" she said knowing he would take my last comment as a joke. "I was with shin" I spoke between sniffles "I swear if he hurt u I'm gonna beat his ass" she said trying to be calm.

"Hey kiri come here" I said knowing him sero and I were playing games in my dorm after leaving the party.

"What?.... oh kami what's wrong come here" he said while pulling me into a hug.

I then heard mina and kiri whispering but couldnt make it out the next thing I knew mina was slamming the door and leaving the dorm leaving me sniffling into kiris chest.

Shinsou POV:

I sat in my dorm knowing I messed up, I shouldn't have ever kissed him,I'm not here to make friends and yet it's my heart that longs for him. Hes the one who rejected me....ughh I never should of played that stupid game, well atleast he can see colour now he constantly complained at not being able to...

*Knock knock knock knock knock knock*

"God I'm comin" I yelled "one sec!"

I opened the door to instantly be slapped in the face

"Ow God the fuck!"

Next thing I knew mina was in my dorm and the door was shut

"What did u do!"
Before I could even answer she continued "I cant believe I said it was ok I knew what was gonna happen just like last time" she continued

"Wowowow I didnt do anything and what do u mean by last time?" I questioned

"Wdym kami came to my room and started crying saying he was with you?" She interrogated me

"Why is he crying?" I asked more myself than her

"That's what I'm here to find out now talk and fast I dont have time for ur kind!" she said angrily

I stayed silence and *slap* I was hit once more...
And yet the silence continued until...

"Hes the one who rejected me." "I thought I was the one who needed his warmth once more" I whispered the last part.

"What was that last part?" She asked
"Fine dont tell me but I dont know if ur what he needs.."

"What u heard me!?" I raised my voice

"Yea ofc that's u weren't that quite...but wdym by he rejected you?" She continued

"Well...I brought him up and we uh...kissed and then he asked if we were boyfriends. I asked if he wanted to be, I didnt plan on making friends let alone a boyfriend, if I knew he went u to UA I never would have transferred..."

"Hmm u mean you knew him before UA..?"

"Yea well hes the reason i can see colour we met a while ago he tripped and i caught him by his wrist, I've known since then. When I asked him to be my boyfriend he stayed silent and my heart broke, I couldnt take the silence any longer and I felt like I was going to cry so i asked him to leave."

"You didnt hurt him?" She asked as if she didnt get the point to the story

"If I did I didnt mean to and didnt know..."

"Why didnt you tell him?" She spoke

"Like i said before I wasnt here to make friends..." the conversation was awkward and all I wanted was for his feminine body to be in my arms once more...


"Yea well kami kinda messed that up ig..." I said as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Okay I'm just gonna go ok?" She said heading for the door.


Kami POV:

Mina had been gone awhile I wonder when she gonna be back, I've stopped crying for the most part but still wont talk to either kiri or sero.

As I was still in kiris arms mina walked through the door, "kami baby come here a sec" she asked I did as told and went to her. She pulled me into a hug and said everything's gonna be ok, I said I believed her but tbh I dont.

"What happened?" Mina asked

"Well umm.. we uh kissed then he sorta asked me out and I froze not knowing how to respond or how my mouth worked anymore..." I spoke with a awkward smile.

//mina is bolded...kami is normal txt//

"Oh kami I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"I may or not have slapped ur little bf in the face a couple of times.."

"What why would u do that!!"

"Well I thought he hurt you and it made me very upset but we talked it out,just like you should too"

"I cant he hates me he looked like he was going to cry before I left, i didnt want him to but my mouth wouldnt work!!"

"I know he doesn't hate you"


"Well cause he said when talking about u being hurt that he wanted ur warmth once more"

"What he did...! I have to go see him bye mom!" I said while running out of minas dorm
I'm coming shinsou....

// word count : 1097 words
end of chapter   
I dont have an update schedule but I'll try to post as often as I can hope u like this part....tell me if u see any mistakes!//

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