Chapter 9

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Gray was at his desk in his office finishing a text to Amber. He had found a car suitable to her needs. It would be arriving at her place soon. He wanted to present the purchase himself, but he has been stuck at company for awhile. Not able to see her for two weeks was making  him feel miserable. When they were married, coming home each day and seeing her there warmed his heart and his love for her grew. To be far apart and seeing her every so often put a damper on getting closer to her. His phone lays down on his desk and he tips his chair back to look up at the ceiling. "I miss her. Does she miss me or even think of me? Then there is Emmy, how much bigger has she gotten in these weeks. Has Rae training been going well." He turns his head and looks at the calendar tomorrow would have been Luke's birthday. He had listen to his brother's words and started putting pictures up around his house. When he started doing it, it brought back so many fond memories that it almost had him in tears. "All these years I still haven't come to terms with losing him. The grief still feels so raw do not know how I can overcome this." A musical tune plays on his phone. He sits back up again to reach for the device. "She answer back fast." "It will be here today?" He texted back. "Yes, you will be able to drive it when the keys are handed to you." "Ok, I am heading back home then." "Where are you?" "I was having lunch with some co-workers." Gray was frowning at that line. "Sting?" "He was there and so was Natsu and Lucy." "Stay away from him." "Gray, it was lunch. I can see who I want too and he is a good friend." "Ha! A friend that kissed you." "He has apologized for that." "Still, stay away." "Do not be jealous. Anyways, I have to go. Bye." "I am fine with being jealous. Trying to get you back. Call you later?" "I might be home later, or be speeding down the highway in my new digs. I really got to go. Bye." "Do you miss me?" "Gray. Stop it." "What no Raven?" "Sheesh. Get back to work." "Later Snowflake. xoxoxo" "Bye Raven. xoxxo, those are from Emmy not me." "Surrrreee."

The ins and out of the company keep him busy for the remainder of the day. He had to deal with all levels of departments and make long, tiring phone calls to clients. Deal with his secretary that he believed is hinting on him, even though the women was married. When the final paper was sign and the last person left for the day. All he wanted to do was to see her. He was tempted to go over to her house, but he was wore out and needed a good night sleep. "Tomorrow Amber, you will see me." He shuts off his lights to his office and locks up. The only persons that was on after hours was security. Romeo was park on the street ready to take him home. "Good evening sir." "Same to you Romeo." Gray gets into the back seat. "Where to Sir?" "Home Romeo." "No stopping off anywhere." "No not tonight. You have the rest of the week off." "Thanks Sir." Romeo drives his boss home and he looks into his rear view mirror. "Sir?" "What is it?" "Tomorrow Sir, I wanted to say sorry." "There is no need Romeo. He has been gone for this long. His birthday and the day he died are the hardest ones in the year, not to mention ending my marriage." "Sir?" "Nothing, been doing a lot of thinking lately." "Of Amber?" "My mind is filled with her." "Anything you need help with?" "If you know a way I can win her back, that would be great." "No, I don't Sir, but what did you do when you had her the first time." Gray laughs. "Didn't have to do anything. We just clicked and I knew she was the one." "Isn't that enough?" "Maybe."

Romeo drops him off at home and he went to see his girlfriend. Gray was on his couch eating his supper while watching the news. With him being the only one in this big house, what is the point of siting at the dining table to eat. He flips the channels to see what else was on. Amber's ringtone comes on over his phone. He picks it up and looks at the text. "Suv is here, love the color. Went for a test drive already." "You could have called instead of text." He jumps a little on the couch when the phone started ringing again. He chuckles. "Hello Snowflake." "Texting is easy at times." "Yeah, but I miss hearing your voice."  There was silence over the phone. "Hello, Amber.....Amber?" "I am here." "What is wrong? Why be so quiet all of the sudden." "I do not want you to be pleased with what I have to say." "Alright, go on." "I miss your voice too." "Score." "Gray! I take it back." "No you can't, I have heard it now and I am happy." He hears her giggling over the line. "I miss your laughter too." She stops and there is quiet again. "I have to go, it's bath time for Emmy." "Amber?" "Yeah? "I miss you." "Goodnight Raven." The line goes dead. "At lest that was a little something."

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