Sundae Smooches

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Hi!! Just a quick note that towards the end of this chapter, there's some.. teasing? It's nothing worth a true warning though. Enjoy!

You and Steven have been together for about 3 weeks now, officially, that is. You've acted like a couple way longer than either will admit. The only difference now was that you would kiss and go on actual dates.

You weren't a huge fan of really fancy dates in fancy settings, for the most part. A date consisted of small picnics, visiting the tide pools, and Steven's favorite- just snuggling and doing nothing together.

There was one time you two decided to have a very proper date like typical people. It didn't go exactly as planned.


"Are you sure, Connie?" You said, holding up a pair of heels. Connie was currently at your house, helping you get ready to go out with Steven. You two got along quite well after spending time together. The first time you met, she was only expecting to talk to Steven, which is why your relationship was a bit tense at first. Now you stood in the mirror with a fairly nice dress on, asking if you should wear the shoes she picked.

"Yes of course!! Heels may not be good for you in the long run, but they help your posture, and make those legs look fiiiine." She pointed out with confidence. You didn't wear heels too often, so you were afraid they would be uncomfortable, but oh well! She fixed your hair up, and applied a bit of makeup to your face. She said it gave you "some extra sparkle."

Meanwhile, Steven was also getting ready at his house. Connie had picked out a sky blue button up shirt for him. She said you would like it, and he hoped she was right. Besides the shirt, Steven wore his regular jeans and flip-flops. The boy couldn't be bothered, knowing you wouldn't care either. He loved that about you- hardly critical of him, always supportive. Even so, he tried to look nice today, fixing his messy hair in the bathroom.

Eventually Steven drove to your house to pick you up, to then head off to a fancy restaurant for lunch. When he greeted you at the door, you practically left him speechless.

You. Were. So. Gorgeous. He couldn't stop staring at you, and would stutter every now and then, when talking in the car on the way.

Holding hands, you entered the restaurant and were seated. You felt out of place with all the fancy decor and sophisticated people surrounding you. Every once in a while, Steven would make a joke to help sooth your nerves. It worked, making you both snort with laughter, but would disintegrate quickly when others looked over at your table.

At least the food was good! You ordered one of your favorite meals, and Steven got some sort of pasta dish. Unfortunately though, neither of you enjoyed the whole experience as much as you would have liked. Steven placed his fork down, getting sick of acting proper and watching you fidget with one of those fancy napkins in your lap.

"Wanna get outta here? I don't think this is our thing."

You agreed, and after paying for the food, you ran out together in the bright day, free of rules and expectations. You immediately threw off your heels and placed them in the back of Steven's car.

You decided to go get icecream to cheer up. There was little place 2 minutes away.  A small light pink store with benches and tiny tables out front. The little bell rang as you walked in barefoot. You both decided to order sundaes, with your favorite toppings.

You sat off in a far table, avoiding the few people who also decided to get icecream today. Steven smiled as you happily ate your sundae before it melted in the sun, not trying to act all fancy.

"Hey Y/n?"

"Mm?" You hummed, and spooned more icecream in your face.

"You think we're ever going to do a proper date like that again?"

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