chapter 3

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"I had to, kit Kat"


"Quinn, we have to go back, right now do you understand? We have to! We can't stop it, not here! I'm sorry!"

My mother was crying as she battled to get me into the car.

"no, NO!" I screamed, I couldn't just leave!, what would he think when we came crawling back to him? It would be Matt all over again, I can't go through that again,I can't. it will destroy me.

This THING that lives inside my family will destroy everything.

I screamed, and screamed and screamed until everything went black.

*End of flashback*

"Why?" He asks, pulling back from the hug to look in my eyes.

"There was something I had to do." Was all the answer I gave him.

He steps away slightly, looking slightly irritated by my answer

"...we'll talk about this later." He says, oof, that's gonna be a long conversation.

Then a look of confusion crossed his features, "Hang on a second, how are you even here? You don't even have a quirk." he questions (accuses).

Great, another AMAZING topic to talk about, he's gonna lose his shit.

"Well... not really, you see, I do have a quirk" I looked away, avoiding all eye contact, ",but when I was little it was to dangerous to let it just run rampant when my body wouldn't be able to control it," I looked up at him now, not sure whether he would remember or not,

"Do you remember the bracelet I always wore? It was a quirk blocker to stop my quirk from going crazy." I knew he was going to explode now, and it took everything in me to not just stop, drop and roll to avoid it.


"Oi! Not in my ear dumbass!" I smack him in the back of the head.


"You little what? I dare you to Finnish that sentence." I say with a evil grin on my face.

Bakugou seems to remember that this is still the girl who wrestled with him in the park, even when he got his quirk (and WON I might add.)

I also just happened to be best friends with his mother, and that woman is a force of nature.

"Wait a second, when you were obnoxiously yelling did you say deku?" I ask him.

Deku was what he always called that little green haired kid that followed him around, his actual name was midoria and we were actually pretty good friends till I moved away.

"Hey, Quinn..."

*A/N: hey! Sorry for the short chapter, life is kinda really hectic right now so I don't have time to update, but I'll try my best to ding some time ;)*

Just a little unexpectedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang