Hello, Inspiration!

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The wall's bright paint splotches became the tracks left by paint brushes, which are now in disarray across an art studio's floor. A mess had never felt more comforting. I twirled around in my long coat, letting strands of hair stray rebelliously away from my bird nest of a messy bun. A rare, genuine smile tugged at the corner of my lips, and it won me over.

How could I not be so utterly content? This...is my element. Instinctively, I let lyrics of a Tori Kelly song dance around the tranquil atmosphere in my voice. Before I knew it, I ended up spending hours dabbling at some philosophy, music, design, and creative writing. This beautiful experience blurred at the edges, until it's nothing more than a mere vision. All in my head.

This wasn't the first time either. If only my visions could be reality. I sighed, tucking my hand under my cheek to find myself staring at an aircraft sketch. Its owner was Violet: bizarre, beautiful, and my genius friend. Her trained focus goes beyond what one would expect of concentration, as she works on it. One day, she's going to grow into a famous inventor and make it into history. I know it.

Catching my eye, she revealed this masterpiece of a girl on her computer. Unbelievably marvelous. My glued eyes refused to leave the screen. Violet's head quirked to the side, perhaps wanting some feedback. Though, being the speechless, quiet individual I am, I remain silent, and just take in the strokes of art, the shading, and the perfection of her work.

"Good?" asked Violet. Dumbfounded, I nodded at a lost for words. Just when I recovered, I spot a flash cards stack beside her. Proportioned models were laid out in intriguing, fashionable designs. She told me that they're clothes she'll make in the future, when she was brave enough to wear them. How she'll rock them.

Artist. Fashion Designer. Inventor. What a future ahead of her.

Violet pondered, "I wonder which class Frances has." Full of ambition, Frances is another one of my talented friends. She aspires to become a song artist, and already has originals. I recall her dedication in a period, recording a brilliant, musical idea outside.

The bell rings, and I follow Violet out the door, feeling admiration for my gifted friends. But...that leaves me. Hesitant me has yet to start chasing my dreams. Solemnness enters my mind, but a tiny fight sparks, blooming across my chest. If they can do it, I sure as hell can! I purse my lips and cock my head back. I take a deep breath of fresh air into my system. Once, twice. This time, there's the faint trail of sweet hope in the air.

Later on, I surround myself with that same atmosphere, greedily feeding on the endless inspirational fuel. That's when I knew what to do. I closed my eyes, and let my fingers guide me on my first Wattpad story:

The Taste of Inspiration.

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