Crows with Attitude

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   My high school has always been full of birds, especially those of the crow cult. It wasn't until the last week of February 2020 that I really understood the full weight of these words. It all started in my last class: Period-Tennis. 

   Spotting Ashley, sidekick in biology and friend, I rushed to her side across the tennis courts. Sitting under a tree which had her under its wing or rather, branches, she sat there, ever so focused on the digital art she was drawing on her tablet. She didn't react when I stood in front of her, nor when I kicked her foot lightly. If she knows it's me, she certainly isn't showing any signs of my existence. Hmph. I sigh softly. My impish, childish side is getting to me again, wanting to be acknowledged and all. 

   I settled down beside her, embracing all the shade and company the generous tree has to offer. Quirky as I am, I silently thank it in my head. Today, tennis period = free period, all due to how our coach was off supervising a game, which also meant time for Ashley and I to start our biology project. To be brief, it consisted of listening to music, which of course was no problem, and then... there was math work.     

   With Ashley by me, I was able to be productive for once. Well, kind of, which was already infinitely better than my usual attention span. We concentrated on math-ing amongst jokes, here and there, about dying from pure pressure in completing math sprints. I smile inwardly. How math can quicken my heartbeats from the very thought. Props to Mathematics, and all the power it has over my system. 

   Did I mention that this is basic math we're doing? Yeah, I know it's pathetic how seeing "2 x 3" can stress the hell out of me. I shake my head from the silly prospect of conversing with myself in my head. What can I say? It's a gift, being able to worry in practically any type of circumstance. 

   Before I knew it, I was grading my own sprint and I mentally chastised myself for somehow getting 4 x 1 wrong. 

   "What's this?"Ashley sweet voice shook me from my inner thoughts, and I peered over her shoulder to find two brown dots stuck on a math page's corner. I shrugged, and shuffled my papers until I came across the same dots on one of my sheets. This tree's full of surprises with magical falling brown nuts. 

   I looked up, realizing how very wrong I was. My humor faded. A crow cawed back at my stare, and cocked its head haughtily. I inhaled a sharp intake of disbelief, and reluctantly told Ashley about my guess of what just happened. No way ... How dare they look down upon our biology project?! With remnants of their droppings too! 

   We gazed up again, and luckily, the jerk of a crow was nowhere to be found. By lucky, I mean lucky for the crow, because otherwise, I doubt anyone can control me as I strangle it. If it was still there, that is. Ashley and I continued to kill time through math corrections and laughter, but I stopped at the last packet. Not again. Lo and behold, officially two crows were perched yards atop of us. So you brought a friend with you, Jerk Crow. Have you come to annoy us and court death?

   I growled menacingly, but Ashley was already moving our stuff to another shady spot. I guess this means war, one of these days, it'll start. Bully Crow, you asked for it. 

~Author's Note (2 weeks later): Ashley and I passed with an A on the project. :) Take that, you birds! 

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