2. Is Beauty Skin Deep.

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If you're unaware of the rising debate here it is:

Is Beauty really skin deep?

I like to think that Beauty isn't skin deep. That the definition of beauty is to shine on the inside as well as the outside. But, what I failed to realize was that in this world, pretty is somehow better. You see, most people confuse the term beautiful for the words pretty or hot . Beautiful does not and will not ever mean or subjectify to the person's appearance but to the content within. The fact that this happens, has officially proven that to many people beauty is only really skin deep. And this, my friend, is too bad. Not only is this bad for the certain individual in which is being called beautiful, but to the person that may be giving the "compliment." If you're receiving said compliment it makes you feel like the person likes you on the inside as well as out. So, imagine the incruciating feeling when you realize that said person built you up under false pretenses and made you believe they weren't talking about just your looks. Now, lets prentend that said individual didn't know the difference. Does that make it okay? Regardless of what the compliment giver's knowledge is on beauty, it shows that they truly think that beauty is skin deep. They just proved that they go for people that have outer beauty.

Let's say a person that once didn't show as much outer beauty suddenly changed their appearance. Features that once were different have changed. Like, they took off their glasses. Or applied make up. Maybe, changed their wardrobe. Aspects that people now consider beautiful. People think if you change who you are to fit in with the media image of "beautiful" you are actually beautiful. Beautiful means loving who you are. If you change who you are, are you really beautiful?  See, if you let what's on the outside mesmerize you from finding what's contained on the inside, perhaps you don't know true beauty.

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