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You sat down after a hard days work at the store and let out a sigh. Your manager was being such an ass lately and you had no idea why. Constantly banging on at you about making sure the stock was right, laid out the way he wanted it instead of the way the planograms suggested which was the same way for every store in the region. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket and you reached around to grab it, seeing who it was.

Wonho🍕🍗🥓: Yo bish! I'm coming over with the guys, we've got Chinese food and that wine you like! See you soon☺️

Ugh. You really couldn't be asked to entertain people right now but you knew that's why he text you instead of calling. So you couldn't say no. Sure enough, him the guys turned up half hour later with food and alcohol. You weren't really in the mood to drink so you said to yourself you'll only have one glass.

You'd know the guys for years, Wonho became a regular at your store, always popping in to say hey when he finally invited you to a party. That's where you met the rest of them. They seemed like a great bunch of guys, focused on their careers, fun to be around and their banter was second to none. Always taking the piss out of each other and you. Although recently one of them was very subdued and you noticed. He wasn't always miserable. Just in the past few weeks. You ask him if he was okay and he'd either ignore you or brush it off as if it was nothing. At first you thought he was just having a few bad days, but now you were taking it personal. He was never like that with the guys so what had you done to piss him off so much? It pissed you off that you were treated differently even though you had always gotten along with them all. Closer to Wonho than anyone else because you had know him the longest, but still not the point.

"Y/N!! You look fucked! Has your manager been giving you a hard time again?" Minhyuk spoke. You smiled over at him and changed the way you sat so you could look at him.

"Yea just a bit. I don't get his issue with me? It's like everyone else can do what the fuck they want, yet when I slack even a little bit because I'm shattered, I get a bollocking. It's completely unfair and I've had enough. I'm thinking of quitting to be honest" you replied, letting it all out and in all fairness it felt good to vent.

"Sounds like a stupid idea to me. How're you gonna pay your bills? Such an irresponsible thing to do" Hyungwon scoffed. You looked over at him, brows furrowed.

"And who shit in your coco pops this morning?" You retaliated, annoyed at his comment. Like you would just leave your job without finding another. Did he really think you were that dumb?

"Just saying. It's not really adult of you to say that. Pretty childish if you ask me. Sort of a dick move" he snorted and got up from his seat to walk into the kitchen in search of food.

You sat there in disbelief looking at the spot he just occupied. You glance at Minhyuk and he looks taken aback from Hyungwon's comment.

"What the fuck have I actually done to him? I've never been anything but nice to him and he's just starting to speak to me like shit!" You say, annoyed at the way he's just spoken to you. Called you childish. The fuck is his actual problem.

"I don't know to be honest, I know he's had a rough time at the office recently. There might be a girl he likes and maybe she doesn't like him back? I don't know. It's really out of character for him" Minhyuk states. Not defending him but trying to understand.

You feel your eyes well up and you can't take all the emotional shit that's been happening recently. Hyungwon's outburst had pushed you over the edge. You get up and walk to the bathroom. You needed some time to just breathe. Away from everyone so you could collect your thoughts.

After about 15 minutes there was a knock on the door, and you hear Shownu ask if he can come in.

"If you want. There's nothing exciting going on though" you sobbed. With that, the door opened and Shownu steps in, closing the door behind him, a look of concern plastered on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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