New Job & Smiles {2}

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"Every end is a new beginning.'

❄️Courtney P.O.V❄️

Today had been a momentous day; I got to know the cuter guy I met in the morning. Nobody's going to believe it if I said he initiated that he wanted my number.

I finished my shift around 6 and was exhausted, to say the least. After Calvin and Nathaniel left we were flooded with an insane number of customers, I was up and about like a maniac just to make sure everybody got their orders on time.

I took a cab home and flopped on my bed without changing. I had indeed been such an eventful day, and Calvin's gorgeous face emerged in my mind and I smiled. It was magically as if he brought me good luck this morning, due to so many customers, I was able to get so many tips that are going to help me a lot financially.

I heard my phone ring and rolled over to see it was, 'Calvin Latte' it read. Cutie.

I picked the phone up only to be greeted to such a chirpy version of him.

"Hey, Courtney!" he chirped.

"Umm, hello," I replied, having no energy to share his chirpiness.

"Are you okay? Can we speak? That's only if you're fine at the moment." he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I think we can. I'm just tired." I answered unsurely.

"I understand, your job is hectic. Haven't thought of looking up for a better job?" He asked.

"First of all, I'm a college student who is going to give me a better job. And second of all, who has the time? I'm packed from morning till night." I answered.

"Let me make things easier for you, what have you studied?" He asked.

"I have completed my Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance and just the exams are left for me to complete my MBA in Finance," I said.

"Woah, what is such a qualified person doing in a place such as Sweet Treats?" He asked surprised.

"Trying to make a living out being a waitress?" I answered completely unsure.

"You know there is so much of demand for people of your qualifications in the job market right now?" He said.

"Yeah, but I don't have many connections to land me a job worth my qualifications, I feel. And what possibly could be the job apt for my job?" I asked.

"You could take up a post as a Financial Analyst in any of the well-established companies. They are on the lookout for well-qualified analysts so that they are placed better in the business world compared to the others." He said.

"Oh, I never knew this was in such a demand. I took it up because I enjoyed the subjects so much." I answered.

"Okay listen, I had set up an interview for you with Calvin Blake, of Blake Group of Companies, for the post of Junior Financial Analyst, tomorrow at 10. I hope you know where it is I suppose?" He said.

He had me stunned, is this a prank? Setting up an interview with Calvin Blake?

"Wait, I hope you're not kidding me right now. Calvin Blake, seriously? How is this even possible? This must be one crazy dream." I say, flabbergasted.

"Well, sweetie you're not dreaming. You've been speaking to Calvin Blake, the CEO of Blake Group of Companies, all this time." He added, laughing.

"You are seriously fictitious. Why would a billionaire like you come to a place like Sweet Treats and engage in conversations with me?" I said astounded.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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