Chapter Two - Double Cross

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After taking down the tower powering the canons, Blackjack Jet rushed to the outpost. Meanwhile, a group of Cyclonian Separatists began pillaging the outpost while Tara was tied up. 

Tara: You won't get away with this, you Cyclonian traitors! When I get out, I'm gonna.....

Cyclonian Separatist: Quiet down girl! 

Blackjack Jet: Mind if I crash this little party? 

Blackjack Jet then rolls into the outpost and engages the Cyclonian Separatists in a shootout. Despite their numbers, the Blizzarian Smuggler dispatches them quickly. After taking them down, Blackjack Jet walks over to Tara and cuts her free.

Blackjack Jet: You okay kid?

Tara: I'll be fine Captain. Those Cyclonian scumbags didn't even lay a finger on me. 

Blackjack Jet: I leave you two here for five seconds and you already got guns aimed at you? 

As Blackjack Jet said that, he heard the whirring of a ship. He turns around to see his ship taking off. But before he could do anything, it was too late. The ship had taken off and began flying away from the outpost. Anger and shock filled the smuggler. 

Tara: was Oz! He let the Cyclonians in here! He stabbed us in the back!

Blackjack Jet: That thieving son of a bitch stole my ship! 

Tara: He took off with the blasters too. He and the Cyclonians must've been planning this for weeks. 

Upon hearing that the blasters were taken as well, Jet immediately became concerned. Tara then begins to try to contact Oz. When the holoimage of Oz came on Tara's holocommunicator, both Blackjack Jet and Tara became enraged. 

Oz(Holoimage): What's the matter kid? Did I hurt your feelings? Be thankful you're still breathing kid. I could've let those Cyclonians kill you. 

Blackjack Jet: You know you're a dead man right?

Oz(Holoimage): Better men than you have tried Captain. So please forgive me if I'm not quaking in fear. On behalf of the Cyclonian Separatist movement on Terra Skavis, I thank you for the blasters, your ship and a damn good laugh!

Blackjack Jet: Laugh it up buddy! I think you're celebrating a little too early!

But by the time Jet issued his threat, Oz had ended the call. Tara was still hurt from Oz's betrayal. 

Tara: Oz....why? 

Blackjack Jet: I am going to kill that son of a bitch! No one steals my ship and gets away with it!

But as Blackjack Jet remembered that he had Rasha's blasters, he immediately became both fearful and concerned. 

Blackjack Jet: Shit! Shit! Now I'm stuck with Cyclonians and Sky Knights gunning for each other!

Tara: What about Oz? What about the Cyclonians?

Blackjack Jet: Who gives a shit about the Cyclonians?! Oz just made off with my ship and Rasha's blasters! If Rasha finds out about this, I'm dead! 

Tara: I'm sure she'll understand. She wouldn't.....

Blackjack Jet: You know what they call her? They call her the Butcher of Atmos! You don't get that name by being reasonable! Is there any ship bay in this shithole?

Tara: There's an old shipyard not too far from here. It's the only place in Terra Skavis that hasn't been touched by the Cyclonians or the Sky Knights.

Blackjack Jet: Well why didn't you say so! Let's get over there get me a ship!

Tara: It won't be easy Captain. A vicious gang has taken control over it. They sell the ships there at very high prices. They're very dangerous. 

Blackjack Jet: Well I don't exactly have a choice. I want my ship back and I'll be damned if I let Oz make a fool out of me!

Tara: Then follow me. 

Tara then leads the Blizzarian Smuggler to the shipyard. When they reach there, they find a large group of thugs patrolling the shipyard. As the smuggler looks around the area, he sees a large rundown cruiser. 

Blackjack Jet: That piece of junk will have to do. Let's just hope it's still flyable. Alright kid, thanks for the assistance. Now get on.....

As Blackjack Jet turned his head, he saw that Tara was gone. He looked down to the shipyard and saw Tara sneaking onto the base. 

Blackjack Jet: Damn it!

Without having time to think of a plan, Blackjack Jet decided to wing it. He sneaked inside the shipyard. He used the large piles of junk to maneuver around without being seen. Meanwhile, Tara made it inside the ship. 

Tara: Looks like the controls are in working order. If I can just....

Suddenly, Blackjack Jet lifts her by her shirt. 

Tara: Let me go you creep!

Blackjack Jet: You shouldn't have run off like that. Winging it is usually my trick.

Tara: This doesn't concern you Captain! Oz is my problem to deal with!

Blackjack Jet: I don't know if you've been paying attention, but your old pal has my ship and Rasha's blasters. This makes it my problem!

As Blackjack Jet and Tara were arguing, some of the thugs heard the arguing. 

Gangleader: Hey! Someone's here!

Blackjack Jet then dropped Tara and activated the ship. 

Blackjack Jet: Strap yourself in kid! This is gonna be a bumpy ride!

Blackjack Jet then started up the ship's engine. As it took off, the thugs began firing on the ship. 

Tara: They're firing on us!

Blackjack Jet: Oh really?! I didn't notice! I thought it was fireworks!

Tara ignored Blackjack Jet's sarcasm as the ship began flying. Eventually, the ship flew away from the shipyard while the thugs continued firing on the ship. As hey began to put Terra Skavis behind them, now it was time to plan the next step.  

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