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You came
I fell
You left
I'm alone

You came back
Someone already filled your lack
You want me back
You can't have me back

I smiled without you
I laughed without you
I lived without you
And I can live the rest of my life without you

But before, I cried for you
I'm left crazy because of you
My brain is hazy because of you
And now you want me back for you?

You left me already
So don't come back like you're ready
Because you left me when I'm ready
Now, I found someone already

Just let me be happy
Because somewhat you're lucky
Even after all you're my only
But the damage have been done severely

And I won't let you in again
To gain what you have lost before
Baby, the scars runs too deep
And I can't have you to keep

Remember mine
Then now you have yours
We keep them together
To avoid breaking others

Don't go running around for me
Because pain will be visible in their eye
You may not care
But for mine I care

You say it's a bluff
But you kept all our stuff
Is this one of your trick?
Or you're being true and you stick

Heartache is inevitable
Like how you left me vulnerable
But the heart really is unbeatable
When in the end you're still invincible

After all the history
Consider yourself lucky
Because I choose my only
To make me completely happy

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