Why Should I Tell You?

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Fleur's POV:

I just looked away and continued swinging. Luckily my jeans and jacket hide my scars and bruises from people.

One of the guys with blonde almost brown hair said, "Hey what's a girl like yourself doin out here all alone?" He actually sounded worried.

"I'm just swinging! getting to know this place since i just moved in." They looked at me.

"Where'd ya move in at?" The same guy asked. "And why should I tell you that?!" I said slightly irritated.

He responded with, "So we can know where to come and see you again." That made me smile, and I pointed to the direction of my house.

"I live down there..." The other guys face lit up. He looked....happy.

The first guy said, "Oh by the way I'm Ponyboy! And this is my buddy Johnny!" He said.

"Hi guys my name is Fleur."

They just smiled and Johnny whispered, "that's a pretty name." I jumped down.

I walked over to him and hugged him. "Thank you Johnny." And soon I felt arms around my torso. He hugged back.

Pony said, "I'll leave you two alone." He chuckled an left. I blushed at what he said and still hugged Johnny.

It was starting to get a bit dark. "Hey Johnny I should head home or I'll get in trouble..." I said.

He nodded and mumbled, "Here, let me walk you there..." So I nodded and grabbed his hand.

I can tell he's going to be important to me. I already know.

A Johnny Cade Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat