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The following text was automatically generated as a result of the Sauvez le joshu initiative, led by the Eurofed Heritage Bureau on behalf of the Nation of Chitotz. A fictitious author name and title have been applied for the purpose of discretion. Due to privacy and political sensitivity reasons, details, such as names, locations, and order of events, may have been changed to protect the innocent. Several events have been skipped for the sake of brevity. This version has been translated into the Quercasian language.

Do not rely on this as a historical account.

For questions or comments, please write to:

Bureau de Patrimonie

3234 Blvd. Réussite

Paris, Fédération Européene

[Additional notes go here]

to my author,
thank you for making me real!

and to e.f.,
looks like you've got a story now -
don't waste it!

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