Chapter 2

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I hear laughter through the walls. Halston laughs. My heart warms, she's the only good thing that came out of the incident. Without her I don't think I would've got through the bullying, the flashbacks, the assumptions.

Hudson Baker changed my life forever. Giving me the worst and the best aspects of my life.

My thoughts are interrupted by Halston running into our room with a towel wrapped around her with Luke right behind her.

"Hal you were supposed to let Mommy do her work!" Luke says shaking his head.

"It's okay I was done anyways" I reply picking up Halston and carrying her to her dresser.

"Thank you for your help Luke I don't know how I would get everything done without you and Rem." I explain pulling out a pair of underwear.

"Momma I get my Saturday undies today!" Halston exclaims pushing her hair out of her face.

"Yes you do sweet girl!" I praise her.

As she's getting better at potty training she has underwear that has the days of the week printed on them. She loves them.

I pull on her undies and grab a pair of leggings and slip them on her.

"I wanna wear my Cars shirt today Mommy!" Halston calls.

Luke and Remington got her into their favorite movies from when they were younger. As much as she loves her Disney princesses she also loves her Cars.

When Halston is fully dressed I head downstairs and pack her backpack with water and snacks for the park.

We head to the car and Rem buckles her into her car seat.

"Uncle Luke will you go down the slides with me!" Halston asks curiously.

"Of course I will buttercup as long as you push me on the swings." he jokes.

"You're too big Uncle!" she laughs.

We pull up to the park and I unbuckle Halston from her car seat. She runs to the park with Luke right behind her. Luke adores her, he loves being a child right along with her even though he's 18.

Remington and I head to the picnic tables that are right besides the park.

"How are you holding up?"

I look up to see Rem looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm doing good Rem" I smile.

"I know things haven't been easy for you Tara, just know Mom, Dad, Luke, and I are always here for you. You don't have to be super mom all the time." he jokes.

"Thank you, the nightmares are getting better." I explain.

Ever since the incident I've been having nightmares re-living the events that happened that night.

It's hard, it's always hard. Even more so when you live in a town where they don't believe you. I'm okay as long as I know my family believes me. I just wish that Halston didn't have to grow up like this.

I'm not ashamed of her, god no. I'm just scared when she starts school. I never want my child to have to go through the bullying I went though.

Remington tenses and I look behind me to see what has caught his attention. I see Chase Wilson's red pickup truck driving past. He rolls down the window throwing out condoms and screams "use protection next time you whore!" while laughing.

I look into the backseat and see a boy with a confused face. I have never seen this boy before.

Tears prickle my eyes. I take a deep breath and shake my head. This whole town is wrapped around Hudson's finger. I don't blame them. Two years ago if you would've told me star athlete, straight A student Hudson Baker had raped a girl and gotten her pregnant I would've looked at you like you were crazy.

This was before I realized how two-faced a person can really be.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Remington standing behind me.

"Come on" he says and pulls me into a hug.

I let out a shakey breath and close my arms around him. I don't know why those words got to me so much. I knew the truth. And I knew my worth.

"Tara that doesn't mean shit okay? We love you, Halston loves you. These fuckers have it drilled so hard into their head that he is innocent and one day they will know the truth." Rem says resting his chin on my head.

Luke appears by our side with Halston sitting on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Luke asks his eyes searching mine.

"Chase showed up, I'll tell you later." Remington answers for me.

I see anger boiling up but he doesn't say anything knowing Halston is listening.

"What's the matter Momma?" Halston asks eyes filled with concern.

"I'm okay baby, I just got sad for a second but I will be alright." I tell her.

"Let's head home." Luke says not meeting my eye.

"I wanna stay at the park!"

"It's okay buttercup, we can watch Cars when we get home, okay?" Luke says shifting her off his shoulders into his arms instead.

Halstons eyes light up with excitement.

"Okay Uncle!" she exclaims.

We head to the car.

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