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Lonely. Dark. Depressing. Eerie. These few words come to mind as the demon thinks about his 'home'. The Underworld. He sighed. All he wanted was someone to love for eternity. Someone to protect and care for.

Not just anyone, someone true and faithful. He didn't care for gender, species, or looks. Hell, he might as well fall for a human for all he cared.

Though...it was against the Code for demons to fall in love with humans. It was treacherous.

The punishment for falling in love with a human was banishment from the underworld.

If one returned after being punished, they would be burned by Satan himself or worse than banishment...cease to exist.

Nobody knows what happens when you cease to exist.

Some say you literally disappear off the face of the universe.

Others say you are reborn into a different life.

Whatever the option, you don't exist. At least, not as yourself.

The demons of the Underworld vary in looks but they all have similar features that make up the species- yellow eyes with black slits, a long tail that varies in fluff amount, black spines down their spine, black claws and feet, short horns, and sharp yellowed fangs.

Though they did have toned skin, like a human's.

"Chanyeol!" Another demon gestured with his elongated tail, "You might want to see this..." He growled softly. He turned his spined back and was looking into a swirl of clouds and mist.

"Coming, Tao." The bigger demon stalked over to stand beside him and look into the swirling mist. His yellow eyes were wide with curiosity.

In the mist, he had an overview of the small village in the Overworld. He saw a truck pull up and the engine cut off. Two human males stepped out to cast doubtful looks at the village.

One was notably handsome for a human. He had a sharp jawline and bright eyes. The other one though...

He was extraordinarily gorgeous. His pink lips, and little nose were so cute. He had soft brown hair that framed his too perfect face. And his eyes....

"Chanyeol!" Tao snapped in the larger demon's face, "Why are you staring at that human with that longing look in your eyes?" His voice sounded angry with a hint of curiosity.

"I'm not looking at any human with a loving gaze!" Chanyeol shot back, his cheeks flaring.

Tao snorted in disbelief.

"Yeah, well I have to go now. See you later, I'll be visiting Kris. And don't you dare jump through the portal."

He turned and walked off into the dark shadows. Tao melted into the shadows as Yeol stuck his forked tongue out at him.

He continued watching the male humans, realizing that more must've climbed out of the vehicle. He strained his ears, trying to hear them.

"Alright, Baekhyun reserve a room for us while we carry everything over and find a place to properly park the car." One of the human males ordered him to go inside the hotel.

"So your name is Baekhyun, Hm?"
What a nice name, Chanyeol thought to himself.

He leaned in dangerously close to the portal...until he fell through. Chanyeol flailed around and braced himself as he smacked into Baekhyun, knocking him over.

He stood up, unfazed and quietly disappeared into the walls of the hotel. The demon didn't stop to think and fled to a large room. He hid in the closet, breathing heavily.

Once he had relaxed, he took a good look at the room he hid in. Chanyeol realized he was in the same room where he used to make kills. He shivered, never again will he kill humans.

They didn't think so though.

They still believed that he would try to kill or possess them. Not just Chanyeol himself, but they blamed all the demons.

It makes him depressed to think there's people out there, that still think all demons are bad.

He shook with anger and clawed the floor of the closet.

Hot tears began to flow from his eyes as he crouched down in the floor of the hotel room closet.

Suddenly, he heard the door squeal open and he jumped up a bit. Footsteps, followed by muffled murmurs of male humans.

He recognized their voices. It was those same humans from the portal!


The demon peered through the crack and could see them. They appeared to be claiming beds for themselves.

He noted Baekhyun had to be forced into choosing the one closest to him


One of them stood up and complained about smelling bad and said something else about taking a shower. He walked away, leaving three sleeping men and Baekhyun in the room.

Baekhyun sat up, tense and shivering.

He can sense Chanyeol is close by. He held his breath as he approached the door, closer and closer until they were looking into each other's eyes.

Baekhyun flinched and let out a horrified cry. Chanyeol backed away, scared and disappeared from the closet. He had to open his own portal to go back to the Underworld.

As he did, he thought of the fear that blazed in Baekhyun's eyes...

The Man and the Demon (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now