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Dark barely slept due to being homesick and the alarm clock buzzed earning a knife being sent to silence it.
Dark:f***ing mettaton...
She rolls back over and snores until she felt a hand on her shoulder she flipped the intruder on the side she wasn't using and puts her right hand on him.
Mel:well good morning to you too dark...
Dark says sorry and let's him up.
Mel:I take that as a 'I didn't have a good night'?
Dark:I already miss New York.
Mel:I know you do but if we don't find amaro then Shade would be a emotional mess.
Dark:... Then let's find him.
She gets out of bed only to find out that the shirt rose up to her hips meaning mel could see everything even the crack on her pelvis. (XD)
Mel:... You really need to wear shorts underneath your shirts when you sleep.
Dark notices blushed hard and yanked the bottom half down.
Dark:you saw nothing.
Mel:I saw it countless times when you were a baby bones.
Heck you'd used to tear off your baby jumper just to be na-
She teleports behind him clamps his mouth shut.
Dark:no no no, not when there's other people present.
Mel huffs and lays on the mattress laughing.
Mel:you know you love me.
Dark:*sighs* I'm going to take a shower.
She grabs her clothes and goes in the bathroom.
An hour later-
She dries off and brushes her teeth and looks at her eye sockets tracing the cracks near her bad eye.
Dark:its over dark, nightmare sans isn't in your life anymore.
She puts her clothes on and walks out so she can put her shoes on, exits her room and gets a nose fill of coffee.
Ganz:morning dark.
Lol Its ironic that your name is darknight and its morning.
Dark:that reminds me, dad?
Dark:was my name a ironic pun?
Mel looks shocked how did she know.
Mel:I don't know what you mean by that..
Dark:sure you don't.
Ganz:don't you guys think that now will be a good time to search for clues?
Dark:okay I'll search for the churches.
Mel:I'll search for the warehouses.
Ganz: I'll search the city,  everyone got their phones?
Dark grabs her phone and puts it her pocket
Dark:we'll call for emergencys or if we have any clues okay?
A minute later they went of and explored the places till dark found a note on the ground reading.
"hello whoever is reading this, my name is amaro. I've been captured by a light demon I don't know how he managed to escape my niece and her husband but Im sure of this, he's taking me to a place where its horrible and I'm sure that I'll be dying from boredom. If you're darknight choly the first born daughter of melancholy then please find me be on the lookout for an all white clothed male roughly your size in height. He has found me bye, amaro. "
Dark:dying from boredom what could he mean by that?
Just then her ringtone went off and clicked the sound of her father on the other side of the line.
Mel:find any clues yet?
Dark:yea, amaro's letter and I know what to watch out for now. Seen any suspicious white clothed males recently?
Mel: now that you mentioned it  I bumped into a guy your height and he shoo'd me off.
Dark:dad, I think Hotaru is back.
Mel:that could be anyone though.
Dark:whatever the case, I still need to check the place out for anything else.
Mel:ok, keep in touch.
Dark:gotcha, love you.
Mel:love you too.
Call ends and she looks at the ground and see black blood on the floor.
Dark:by the looks of this amaro  put up one hell of a fight before he got captured.
She whips out her phone and takes a few pictures of the scene only imagining what happened here.
A few hours passed by and they went home to pile what they found ganz found nothing but dark pulls out the letter and her phone where the photos were at.
Mel:wow dark, this place seen its better days.
Mettaton walks in the room and peers from ganzs shoulder.
Mettaton:what you got there darlings?
Mel:amaro got kidnapped and we're trying to find him all we got is this letter and the photos from the scene of the crime.
Dark:the letter says beware of a male who wears all white suit.
Mettaton:oh you mean Sir blanc? He's going to take part of the fashion show.
Dark had a shocked expression on her face.
Dark:you know him!? Why he is going to be there?
Mettaton:I don't know, I could let you guys in as my bodyguards.
Mel:I got an idea...
Ganz:oh boy here it comes...
Mel:we have someone buying me and sans the time to get amaro out of there.
Dark:and where are we going to find someone to go and be a fool on live TV?
Mel has a smile on his face while she had a anime sweat drop on the back of her head.
Dark:eh, I'm going to do it!?
Ganz:that's a great idea! dark please do this. We're counting on you amaro is counting on you the fate of the world is counting on you.
Dark thinks for a solid 5 minutes and nods.
Dark:fine, but you better not put me in slutty outfits or anything like that!
Mettaton:don't worry darling I'll make you look absolutely stunning ~! Till then we'll work on your runway walk.
Dark:what have I gotten myself into?

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