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"Twinkle, twinkle."

Jun smiled cheerfully, his eyes shining delightfully from the moon's light above. I couldn't help but make a smile as well, Jun was always the one to bring my emotions out of me. From our spot on the pavement below, I shimmied closer to Jun, our hands brushing together.

Warmth sparked from the contact.

"A-Ah... I'm sorry..." He muttered, pulling his hand away from mine almost instantly. I frowned at the action, but hid it from Jun by lowering my head. I don't want to make upset, I realized that I got overprotective over him when he's like that. Back then... I couldn't help it.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it." I replied, wishing for that spark once more. However, I don't want to force Jun. I would never force him to do a thing.

Throughout the silence, it gave me time to think. I was honestly glad that I met Jun at the Alaya Shrine, it was easy to tell that he took a liking to me, but I didn't really mind. At the time, I didn't have a lot of friends.

Jun was the cheerful type, while I? I was the one to push people away. Even as a child, I alienated myself from tons of people; though Jun was an exception.

"Hey, Tacchi?" Jun called, his eyes looking in my direction.

I looked up meeting his gaze. "Hm? What's up?"

For once he seemed flustered, which was rare for him. Usually, it would be me being the flustered one. Though, with his rosy red colored cheeks, I could honestly say it looked good on him.

"Did you truly mean what you said?" He asked. "At the temple when we fought Shadow Lisa, and she expressed her feelings to you... do you remember what you responded with?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes. I said that I only had feelings for you."

Jun nodded slightly. "Exactly. I... just wanted to know, did you mean those words?"

My eyes widened, and a hurt expression flashed through my irises. "Of course I meant them."

A smile painted itself on Jun's lips. After a moment, a yawn escaped him and he rested his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but chuckle as an arm slid around his waist and I laid on my back, with Jun following.

He blushed at our position and a hand was resting comfortably on my chest. His eyes glanced up at my face, and I could feel them still as I closed my own.

My hand ran through his hair, and at that moment, I didn't want this to end. If this was a dream, then I didn't want to wake up. I re opened my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up as Jun's nose almost brushed against mine.

"Look at you Jun, didn't think you would do something like this." I teased.

In response Jun rolled his eyes, one of his hands moving up to caress my cheek. It felt warm, comfortable and soft - and I couldn't help my part my lips.

As to answer for that I inched him closer, our lips connecting almost immediately. It was safe to say that his lips were soft, and I yearned to capture his lips once more.

To end the kiss I licked the bottom of his lip before I pulled away, evidently surprised that Jun didn't seem as flustered as I did. Instead he smiled sleepily, resting his head on my chest.

"I...enjoyed that." Jun yawned, snuggling himself further in my side. I didn't mind it, and I accepted it wholeheartedly.

"Good to note." I responded, yawning after Jun did. "That means I can do it again anytime."

Jun laughed, my body slowly falling asleep at how angelic it sounded. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt a kiss being applied to my cheek before sleep swept me away.

"Goodnight Tacchi. And sweet dreams."

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