Truth Or dare

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It was Feb 13th.  Evening 5 pm. After a hectic few days , I decided to take a break from life. I decided to stay away from all this valentine's day dramas and wanted to spend time alone on this day. So I decided to drive to a nearby hill Station alone in my bike and stay there overnight and enjoy the view next day. The journey was so rough that I wasn't expecting to rain that night. I got fully Drenched, but I continued the journey as the weather tempted me to drive more. As I reached the resort there, it was already 9.30 pm. I have initially recommended a private trek from the resort, where they will take me for a short trek and then I will be staying overnight in a tent at the top of the hill . I planned to stay there next day too and enjoy that early morning cozy sunrise. Because moments like those can never be recreated so easily. But initially they denied to take me to that place as it was raining heavily that night, but then they said that they will take me around 5 am in the morning if the weather is good. I got really frustrated hearing this and then I went to have my dinner. While pouring a glass of pineapple juice, I saw a girl staring at me for some time continuously and then she came near me and asked,
She : Hey? Can I talk with you?
I was surprised as I haven't seen her before and then I replied with a hesitation yes.
She : I saw you talking with the manager about that camp thing.

I was surprised as I haven't seen her before and then I replied with a hesitation yes.

She : I saw you talking with the manager about that camp thing.
He : Oh yes
She : Yeah, even I asked them the same and they denied taking me there as I was the only person. So I was wondering what to do and then I saw you talking about that to them. If you don't mind, can I join with you? Coz I am so much excited to see the sunrise tomorrow .

He : Well, we will request them again. If they didn't allow, let's go for an early morning trek. Deal?

She : sure. Wow, I'm damn excited about this. I will wait outside, finish your dinner and then we can talk about it.

I smiled at her and continued to have my dinner. I loved the way she was excited about staying in the middle of the forest. When you meet like minds at a new place, that's the best thing you could ever dreamt of.
So after finishing my dinner, I went to the manager and requested him again. This time that girl was also with me and they had no other option than to just arrange. But he told me,
" Look it's not a good time to travel. Since you guys are requesting so much, I'll arrange it for you. But if anything happens to you or her, we aren't responsible for that. Because it's raining, the path will be wet and it's completely unsafe. Is that okay for you? "

That actually scared me a bit and I thought of not taking a risk at this time. But that girl was so adamant and then I finally agreed to this.
So we were accompanied by a guide and we three of us started our trek around 11pm. It was so dark and it was really scary to climb that time. We didn't had any conversations, because the fear to climb was more. It took us nearly 2hrs that night to reach that camp site. It wasn't as easy as we imagined. It was raining, the rocks were slippery and we had to take different routes to reach there. Once we reached there, all of us try our hands in pitching the tents and it was easier than imagined. We both had two independent tents and we both were tired as fuck. To our surprise, that guide told me that he will leave us here tonight and he will be back by tomorrow afternoon with lunch. He told us to be safe since it rained heavily, there are high chances of wild elephants, bears or bison might come at this time. We both were terrified. That moment I felt like I made a wrong decision here. But then I decided no matter what happens, I'm not going to come out of my tent till I see the sunlight. So we three signed off and I went inside my tent, locked myself. It was freezing like hell. But I gathered all my courage to sleep that night and wait for the next day. Just within 30 mins, I heard the sounds of elephants. I got so fucking scared that words can't imagine. Because if it was alone and lost its path, it will destroy everything it sees on the way as a sign of danger. I was praying all the gods that were available in this country that night hoping someone will save me from all this. If it was a day, I could find a place to hide. But in night, you never know what's coming with us. And then I heard the girl shouting outside my tent,
She : Hey you there, please open.
At first I thought it might be a ghost. But then she was like,
She : Please open, please. I need to talk.
And then I opened my tent, she came inside. That tent was so small for two people to sit inside. We made some space and asked her
Me : what happened?
She : nothing. I'm scared as hell.
We had only torchlight inside the camp and in that dim light I could tell you she was looking so damn cute when she said she was scared.
I laughed at her for a moment and then suddenly I heard another roar from the elephant and I got scared. This time she laughed at me and said,
She : Oh. Look who is scared now.
He : okay. Fuck off. We all are humans, it's okay to feel scared you know.
She : Aahan. Psychological explanations. Are you psychologist or what?
He : nah. I'm just a person who is trying to find reasons about what is this purpose of life through my words.
She : Oh wow. So you're a writer?
He : That's what I tell to myself.
She : Writers are always interesting you know.
He : Why so?
She : They always have something or other to talk and share and they keep people around them always engaged to something.
He : Okay. So have you dated a writer?
She : Well its my fantasy. You can say that. But never met someone who is interesting.
He : Yeah right. Same here. My dream is to date a writer and write together, build stories together and imagine together.
She : Wow. That sounds exciting.
He : Huh. That's interesting.
She : yeah. I don't know. I guess I'm feeling hungry.
He : Oh. I have something to eat, you can have that.
She : sure. That's sweet.
He : no it's not sweet, it's just snacks.
She : Omg, I will laugh tomorrow morning mate. Do remind me about this joke.
He : haha. Here have it.
I gave her a pack of biscuits and snacks. And my bottle of JD poked out of my bag. She saw that and got excited,
She : aaha. Look who is here now.
He : Haha. I always have them in my bag. It's kind of my energy drink.
She : then why don't you share your energy drink to me?
He : Your wish. Are you sure?
She : Come on. We gonna be spending whole night together. I'm not going back to that tent. Let's talk for sometime.
He : sure then.
I took my water bottle and mixed it with JD.
I just poured 3/4th whiskey to the bottle while only 1/4 th was filled with water. The proportion was so high but I really wanted to get intoxicated that night, so I didn't bothered much. I asked her if it's okay, she said it's fine, we shouldn't waste this honey and laughed.
At first, she took a gulp and then I took some.
It felt too good with that weather. Then we continued our conversation,
She : So why do you like to travel alone?
Me : It feels wonderful during a trek and more so if you walk alone. You don’t need words. There is so much to see, so much to appreciate, so much to soak in. Nature is really the best medicine for our mood swings.
She : Wow man. You're so good with your words. Feeling good to be around.
He : aahan. I wasn't expecting this too.
She : that you will get locked inside a tent with an angel like me?
He : angel? Where is she. I can't find her.
She : Oh stop that.
She slapped me on my face gently.
He : whoa. I love being slapped
She : That sounds like a monster now.
He : Haha not really.
She blushed, had an another gulp and then she said okay, let's play a game.
He : Game? I can't run outside now
She : LOL no, let's play truth or dare.
He : Don't you think it's boring?
She had another 2-3 gulp this time and said,
She : Yeah boring for people who know each other. But definitely not for us
He : Then it's okay. I'm In. Let me start first. I chose truth.
She : Good boy. What excites you in a girl?
He : Long hair, the way she express herself. I like girls who are bold enough to share things. Definitely not into shy ones.
She : That's different. I haven't heard someone said in this way. You're impressive
He : Haha. It's your turn angel.
She blushed and smiled covering her face.
She : Okay. I wasn't expecting that. Sorry. Ya I choose truth
He : Same one. What excites you in a boy?
She : Uggh. Not that easy. You have to ask me something different, not the same one.
He : Let me reframe the question then. What turns you on the most?
She : Wow. That escalated too fast.
He : I'm sorry, I was just teasing you. I'll ask something else.
She : Relax kid. I'm okay with this, chill.
He : Then answer it angel.
She : Neck kisses usually. It's the weakest spot for every women. And sometimes you know when I'm going on a long ride, it really turns me on and also rain. Omg. I can't tell you, whenever it rains it makes me wet inside too.
He : Haha. That's really bold response. I wasn't expecting this at all.
She : haha. Trust me, I don't easily open up with everyone. I'm kinda not so interested in these stuffs unless I met a right person.
He : Haha. Then why me? I mean how come you feel comfortable with me in 2 hours?
She : I don't know. You're impressive, the way you talk is really too good to be explained why. So I feel comfortable sharing it I guess.
He : You know, that trust and comfortable are the two words that I love listening from people that they feel comfortable with me and they do trust me. It kinda turns me on too.
She : Aahan. That's hot. That's beautiful.

She had another gulp of whiskey and so as me, we continued the game. And I said,
He : I'll go with a dare this time.
She : aah. Now it's getting interesting. But I'll chose the easy one. Just show me your blog.
He : My blog? But I have posted only some erotic ones there. Rest, I have an Instagram page where I post my usual writings there.
She : No no. Show me your blog itself. I love reading. So I don't mind if it's erotic or normal
He : Okay. Your wish.
Then, I opened my notepad, showed my article. She was reading it and I was just looking at her eyes. She was literally looking so beautiful in that dim light. I was just adoring her. She read the article and told me,
She : I think I'm wet now.
That moment I felt like we both are not in senses and may be I should stop this. But there was a heat building between us from the moment our eyes collided at the dining area. She was cute and I couldn't stop myself from continuing this. I didn't know what to do now and I was just looking at her eyes.
She : May be I guess, I should go back to my tent.
He : Yeah okay sure.
She : But...
He : But?
She : I feel....
He : You feel?

There was a tension building between us and even in this Cold, I started to sweat. And then she said,
She : let's continue this.
He : are you sure?
She : I trust you. Do you?
He : I do from the moment I saw you.
She : Then let's do something interesting.
He : As in?
She : Whatever you want to which has less words and more actions writer.
He : Haha. But I'm a writer. I prefer words than actions.
She : What do you mean?
He : Let's continue this. I'm a stranger. I don't even know who you are, what you do, we haven't even introduced us, did you noticed?
She : Omg. Ya. How come?
He : Ya. But you were comfortable to share your dark side to me. So let's keep it this way.
She : I can't believe we don't even know each other name till now. Wow man, ur something else I'm telling you. You just seduced me by your words.
He : ssssshhhhhhh. Wait for more. Truth or dare?
She : Truth.
He : Hey BTW no judgements okay?
She : as if I judged you till now. Just don't make me fall for you that's it
He : Haha. I can't help it.
She : Okay ask me anything. I'm ready for you
He : Your favorite position?
She : I guess I love 69 coz it's kinda mutual. And also the guy fucking from sides in the bed. Like my legs on his shoulder, you know.
He : That's really sexy. Truth again.
She : Ever dreamt of threesome?
He : Haha. I have done once though.
She : Oh. So you're a BI?
He : no. I'm not BI. It was with two girls
She : Huh. That's interesting. Coz I'm into girls too. Haha
He : So you might know how it feels. Have you tried it?
She : Haven't found the right guy to explore. But I do have a girl with who I do often.
He : Wow. That gave me a hard on.
She : How do that gives you hard on?
He : Because, I love watching lesbians perform and jerk off just by seeing them.
She : You're fucking insane man. Wow.
He : Haha. I know. Your turn?
She : Dare. Please give me something interesting now.
He : aaha. Someone is in the mood.
She : I guess I'm fully in the mood.
He : Give me a lap dance then.
She : Wow. Ur insane. Okay first remove ur pant then.
He : Why should I remove when you can do it for me my angel?
She : Okay. But one condition.
He : what?
She : Try not to touch me. I bet you will lose.
He : I won't. I can control.
She : But it's so difficult to do it here. Okay let me try, I ain't any expert and all.
He : Haha okay.
She : First, let me remove my pants. I hope this Cold doesn't kill me
And then she started to remove my pants. I couldn't believe what was going on that moment. I was high, so as she. And things were going beyond everything now.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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