Chapter 14

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Brooke's POV

Why is he so.. so.. so much. I don't know how to describe it but I feel like he's just, over the top. Why was he getting mad at Corey for wanting to talk to him about his outburst? He's so childish and immature.
We carry on walking down the stairs as Kat describes Colby as 'wild', and as much as I don't want to say, but I agree with them. Colby had snapped several times in the past couple days, I felt like there was no 'fun' or 'happy' side to him.
I can feel the tension in the room building as we walk to Corey's side. I sigh and look at Colby, then back to Corey.
'I think I'm going to go.' I say.
'Yeh. I think you should.' Colby snaps.
Woah, that was uncalled for.
Instead of snapping back, I just smile at him and walk out. I hope he feels intimidated by that.
I leave and walk out their front double gate, making sure to close it behind me. I look at my phone, it's only 4pm. There's no point going in as I'm already out, so I decide to go see Noah. I knock on his door and wait for a response.
No answer.
I knock again, slightly harder.
Again, no answer.
I roll my eyes and turn around.
'Hey.' He calls.
'Oh hi.' I sheepishly reply.
It was Jake. His hair was gelled in a sort of curtain way, but it looked good as his hairs pretty long. He is wearing a tight black shirt which shows the definition of his muscular body, and a pair of black jeans with a silver chain dangling at the side.
I smile at him.
'What are you doing?' He says, pointing to Noah's door.
'Oh erm.'
*Oh nothing just stood outside Noah's door* I think.
*the boy that has hurt me repeatedly but I still decide I want to come here and see him*, my subconscious adds.
'Shut up' I say out loud, not meaning to. It was supposed to be inside my head. Well done Brooke.
His eyes widen at me and then smiles.
'I didn't mean to say that' I say, half smiling.
He chuckles.
'It's alright'
I breath out. I'm glad he wasn't like Colby. Colby would of probably flipped and stormed off.
I walk up to him, leaving Noah's house.
'Want to do something?' I ask him.
'Uh yeh, I mean sure. I was going to Colby because we had plans but Im sure he can wait' he smiles.
'I don't think I can.'
'Yo, Colby.' Jake says, first bumping Colby.
He defiantly heard Jake saying that.
Colby puts an arm around Jake.
'Are we going or what.' He says to Jake. He's ignoring me, and it's pissing me off.
'Erm. Can it wait?' Jake questions.
Colby looks at me and then back at Jake.
'Oh so your going to ditch me for her.' He says looking me up and down. His face was screwed up.
'What's your problem with me?' I blurt out.
'I don't have one' he lies.
'Alright okay sure.' I spit.
Colby takes his arm from Jake and grunts. 'Dickhead' I hear him mutter.
Jake returns a frown at Colby.
'Well, have fun Jake. I hope it goes the way you said' Colby says, clearly trying to piss Jake off.
Jake turns on his feet and pulls a face again at Colby.
'Shut up' Jake says thought gritted teeth.
Colby smiles.
'What? You scared she will find out?' He returns.
'Colby I swear to god!' He yells, grabbing Colby's collar.
'What?' Colby said innocently. 'You brought this upon yourself'
'What?' I snap at Jake.
He ignores me, keeping his attention to Colby.
'Colby! Leave her out of this' he yells.
'Oh? You don't want her to know that you said..' Colby begins but is quickly broken off by Jake swinging at his jaw. His fist catches him and I can see a huge gash down his face caused by Jakes rings.
Colby gets up and swipes the blood on his sleeve.
He looks utterly pissed off. He could practically be foaming at the mouth any second.
He looks at the blood on his sleeve and tackles Jake to the floor, repeatedly punching him around the face.
'Stop!' I yell. I grab Colby's arm and try to hold it away but he's too strong.
'Colby stop!' I scream.
He doesn't.
'You're going to kill him' I beg.
He stops for a second, looking at Jake's face.
He gets up, kicks him in the side and walks off.
I kneel next to Jake, taking his bashed up bloody face into my hands.
'I'm so sorry he did this to you' I cry.
Tears are falling down my cheeks at this point. I can see them falling onto Jakes shirt. He looks at me and wipes his face.
'It's fine' he whispers.
'No. Not it's not' I say, still crying.
He leans up on his elbows and takes my face in his hands.
'It's fine. I've gone through worse.' He says and smiles at me.
He looked awful. The blood was still coming from several cuts on his face, including his nose.
'This was my fault' I say.
'No it wasn't.' He says, pulling me into a hug.
'I'm so sorry' I manage to whisper through sobs on his shoulder.

One Life, One Lie Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant