La Belle Angel-Chapter 7

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Aria's POV

I woke up with my legs tangled with jason's I looked around the room as I hadn't gotten time to last night considering we barely just made it to the bed.We had made long steamy hot love all night before finally falling asleep in the early morning.

I looked at the clock it was 10 in the morning  and Jason was still sleeping so I decided to go have a shower.

I was just turning on the shower when two muscular arms encircled my waist

'Where do you think your going hmm'jason said

"I'm taing a shower" I replied turning on the tap effectively soaking jason who was wearing his boxers.

" Your gonna pay for that"he said with a mischievious smile

"oh really how?" as soon as the words left my mouth I realised it was the wrong thing to say.

Jason starting kissing a trail of kisses down my neck gently sucking when he found my sensitive spot ,a low moan formed in my throat as I turned around and captured his lips.They were hungry and demanding as he pushed me up against the wall his tongue gently probing mine.

I finally got my senses back when we broke apart for air

"We cant do this now" he broke out huskily.

"Why" I asked regrettably

"We have lunch with my pack"

"WHAT and you decide to tell me now!! hurry up get out. I have to get ready" I was panicking Oh God what if their evil and dont like me? or If they are like all pervs? ahhhh yeah its true im hyperventilating.

"Deep breaths Aria deep breaths dont worry they will love you"jason said reassuringly

Yeah I hope so, its really important I make a good first impression im guessing your thinking why am I all powerful aria worrying about meeting my mate's pack? Well i'm good with people but I  just haven't really met any the only people in my life was my mom ,dad,brothers,mary and my street fighters.

I was home schooled so yeah pretty much no experience there.

After I had a shower I realized I had no clothes in this place so I asked Jason he said he had my clothes brought over when we were you know busy last night.

Hmmm what shall I wear? I looked through the stuff that had been brought over. Suddenly I thought of a dress that Mary (her stepmom) had bought for me. It wasnt exactly my style but it was suitable for meeting the parents. I dug around until I saw the flimsy green material I pulled the dress out to examine it it was a deep green like the loch ness monster it was a maxi dress and had two straps that held up the neck in a v shape.It was perfect it hinted at my curves instead of hugging them and the length was perfect showing just enough skin not to be shown as prude and not to much to look like a slut.

Just then jason came in ,looking Oh so Delicious wearing a button down black shirt and cut off black jeans. He came up to me and put his arms around my waist

"you look good enough to eat" He growled seductively

"Do you think your pack will approve?"I asked not bothering to hide my nervousness

"Aria don't worry you look wonderful they are all going to love you "

"of course if you want to stay back we can find something ese to do im sure"he said suggestively while nipping my ear lightly.

"Urgh no jason we have to go and stop i cant think while your touching me"

"your distracting" I said

"I know babe" he gave me a wink and tilted my face up for a kiss his lips were soft and gentle whereas mine were needy and hard .I pried his lips apart with my tongue and slowly ran my fingers through his hair it was even more silky than I remebered. He nipped my bottom lip as our tongues fought before we both pulled away reluctantly.

Peace & Cookies N.O.T.W.U

La Belle Angel ( previously:You abandoned me and now you want me back!)Where stories live. Discover now