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I'm going to do this tag as the Admin

oh look, a tag book


1. Mention who tagged you.

The great PattON-The-Back tagged me!

2. Do it in less than three days


3. Say 10 things about yourself.

I mean I'm not that interesting but okAy-

1. I identify as the sexuality pi, which is basically omni but I use pi to confuse math teachers. That and I want to use the 3.14159blablabla joke/thing/idk.

2. I have two sisters that both highly dislike me

3. I have two cats, also both dislike me [sebastian dont wake me up at like, 4 in the morning, that's my job]

4. oh look, I have quite a few medical issues/conditions, including but not limited to Autism and Asthma

5. I'm in these fandoms [in order from first joined to most recently joined]: YHS/Krew, PJO/HOO/TKC/MCGOA/TOA, Hamilton, Harry Potter, Countryhumans [Countries Branch], Sanders Sides, Countryhumans [States/Provinces Branch], Planethumans & Apphumans, Countryhumans [Cities Branch]

6. I roleplay, but mostly on discord. [heyheyhey if u want to talk to me on discord then tell me your username! :> just don't spam the DMs and we'll be fine]

7. I've gotten asked out a total of 2 times irl, both I'm 100% sure were jokes, and about... 4 times online, all assuming I was male. And on Instagram. First two I gave an "automated" message to and the third I flat out said no to. That third person was like, 10. The fourth I argued with and blocked.

8. This isn't something about me, but to the boys who a) ask for my food and/or b) throw your food at me: STOP, and FUCK YOU

8 (for real). no I aint single, yes I had a valentines, and to those of you who didn't have a valentines/are single, *pat pat*

9. I looove memes uwu [99% sure that will make y'all angryyy]

10. My birthday is April 10th! Yay!

Yay.. I'm finally done with that!

4. Tag 28 people

5. Put a title for the tag.
Up top!

6. Tell a joke.
No, I don't think I will.

7. Write a spoiler for one of your stories.
"The blue haired boy, Kyran, turned around and cursed under his breath. He sighed. 'This? This is normal. Αυτό συμβαίνει πολύ πιο πρόσφατα ...'"

8. Put these rules in your tag.
Up top, and throughout the tag!

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