Chapter 1: A Dream Turned Nightmare...

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One night, Kirxer was fast asleep... trying her best to forget about the nightmares of her past... but they kept coming back to her... It started as a dream... where she was her 4 year old self again... the first 3 minutes of the dream was young Kirxer all happy and cheerful until it turned into a REAL nightmare. She was now 7 years old. She was walking with her ageless twin brother, Blixer. Then, someone injected her with anesthetic when Blixer wasn't there. Then seconds later, she collapsed onto the ground... when she woke up, she found herself in a dark room. She tried to shake her head, but found a top lever strap that held it firmly in place. She struggled more, but the braces glued her down onto a table made from sturdy planks, which held her arms above her head. Kirxer's wings were the only part of her not tied down and they fluttered frantically as she struggled to escape. Then, the woman that drugged her appeared into her line of sight. "Oh... finally... you're awake..." She said. "Huh?! W-Who are you?! And w-where am I?!" Kirxer shouted. "That's none of your concern..." The woman said. She walked back into the darkness, and then re-appeared pushing a small cart covered with a cloth. Kirxer lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "W-What's that...?" She asked the mysterious woman. "Oh... you'll see REAL soon..." The woman said. Before Kirxer could say something, the woman grabbed the cloth and whipped it off of the cart. On the cart was a tray, containing very sharp medical tools and knives, carefully organized and wickedly sharp. As well as a large medical bag. Kirxer was in full panic mode. She was starting to hyperventilate. Her mind raced as she tried to reason with the woman. "You can't do this! I'm only 7!" "I don't care... I'm just soo happy that I can finally make a kid suffer..." The woman said. "B-But my brother will wonder where I am! When he realises that I'm gone he'll come looking for me and then you'll get found out!" Kirxer cried in desperation. "Oh Kira..." The woman said. "Don't worry! Blixer is quite an idiot. And besides, he won't find out. I mean, how long do you think I've been doing this?" With that ominous statement, she turned on the lights, revealing the rest of the room. "Oh no..." Kirxer reeled in horror at the images presented to her. Blood and guts were all over the walls. And organs filled with helium were tied to the back of chairs. The tables and chairs were made of bones and the removed flesh of past shapes. Kirxer cringed upon seeing the centerpiece of the table nearest to her. The heads of 4 children, their eyes closed as if they were sleeping, were wearing party hats made from their own skin. With the thrill of terror, Kirxer recognized one of them as her classmate, Jackson. Kirxer's attention was brought back by the unknown womans voice."Like the interior?" She asked. "I made it myself." Kirxer was fully scared. "Miss, please... I'm sorry if I did anything to you... I didn't mean it... please let me go... I promise I won't tell anyone!" Kirxer begged. "Oh, Kira... you didn't do anything! It's just that.. your number came up and... well... I don't make the rules... we can't turn back now!" Kirxer was tearing up. How could this be happening? "Well, enough of talking..." Said the woman. With an air of finality. "It's time to begin..." She picked up a scalpel and walked over to Kirxer's right wing, and then began a circular cut around Kirxer's wing. Kirxer cried out in pain. Finishing the incision, the woman grabbed a curved skinning knife from the tray. She worked it between Kirxer's wing and back. Kirxer grinded her teeth. The pain was unbearable. Once the strange shape finished, she held both wings in front of her and started waving them like pom poms. Kirsten just whimpered. Her back burned like nothing she'd felt before. The mysterious shape then grabbed a large butcher knife and walked over to Kirsten's right arm. "Hope you don't mind. I gotta 'hand' it to you" She laughed. She played with her arm for a few seconds. Yanking in back so the sharp pain reignited the fire in Kirxer's back. Then... stretching out the arm, the strange shape brought the blade down hard at the base. Kirxer immediately yelled in pain and moved too much for the movement throughout the shape's aim. She tried to hit the mark again but missed and carved a huge slice into Kirxer's side. "Kira, you gotta stay still or I'll keep missing!" Said the shape as her victim howled. She took another whack and hit her target. She swong again and again. Blood sprayed into the air and then she realised she wasn't getting anywhere. The blade just wasn't going through the bone. "Hm... I guess I forgot to sharpen it... I'll try something else..." Through a haze of pain and tears... Kirxer heard a metal box opening and closing. "Got it! Say, Kir... why do they call it a hacksaw? It doesn't hack. Hacking was what I was doing with knife. This is a saw. I don't get it..." The mysterious shape worked the saw back and forth over the flesh of the last attempt. It sliced effortlessly through the bone and skin. The feeling of jagged teeth grinding into her made Kirxer want to vomit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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