October 21-February 23

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So back in October you meet Scorpio yall talked and hangout during lunch after that during there period  Scorpio texts you saying how much they love your personality and how they doesn't tell others that they like you the next day you found out  Scorpio wanted to go out with you but it turned out to be they're partner messing with you but Scorpio says they have deep feelings for you but you're they're first sign and they're not ready to come out and what not.....Scorpio was dating Earth's ex lover  they were really adorable and you asked  Scorpio if they still have feelings for you and that when they said you kinda still and in Mercury the day before Scorpio risined  you was telling them what you was wearing tomorrow then they said know wear this and you asked  Scorpio why and then they said that they that you look nice or good in it and then you realize that's the same outfit. You wore when you  first met Scorpio so things went well on they're risened ya know and  talked you got Scorpio this little snowman they loved it and we connected. Pluto was difficult cause you and  Scorpio both were dealing with the the same problems with the same person they both know they can't trust they basically just exploded.So they all stop talking to each other and it was even worse when tgey went on break you relationship with Scorpio almost ended but they knew you didn't have anything to do with what Happened and you and they grew even closer together but things changed during New beginnings So you and they  on new beginnings talked and it was amazing ya know they confessed saying the day you calmed them down on the day they  had a escape room moment they was going to kiss you but They couldn't since they was dating  earth's ex and you confess you was going to kiss them as well and we just kept going on saying how much we mean to one another and they said them wanted to be with you and they choose you so you thought  they up with earth's ex but now they dating they're best friend and they talked a  few days ago and they said if they ever told they family about them being liking both Venus and Mars the they'll have to deal with they're Galaxy so they can't be them right now and idk they haven't talked like they usually do to each other anymore but they are trying and in a way it's going well today you tried to talk to a old friend to resolve all my crap you made a mess of but we can't even be friends. You're not okay with it but you  have to face the fact that not every friendship is meant to be fixed and you have to move on you don't want to but there's nothing else you can do.......Or is There?

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