New Set: Day Before

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I listened to a reset to get rid of any affirmations from previous subliminals. So I'm starting new and hoping I can stick to this set.

Right now I'm mainly focusing on getting lighter skin. I used to be really pale but since moving I've lost that and I miss it. My other focus is hair growth because I'm indecisive about my hair.
I'm also doing one for my grades and one of those wealth attraction ones (though I dont expect much from those)


The subliminals all have good reviews and there are 3 boosters in there. I'll put a picture of my skin tone whenever I can get it off my camera. I'm going to have the playlist on a loop overnight (wearing headphones)

1: Hydration. Subliminals can cause extreme headaches if you don't hydrate. Water is your best friend.
2: Dont expect immediate results. Don't lose hope, if you don't think it will work, you close off your subconscious.
3: Don't use too many at once, they can clash.

I'll try to update once a week, but don't hold me to that 😂

- Wynter ❄💜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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