New School New Me

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As I awake for morning my mother calls for me "River please come down" she said. As I walk downstairs my knees shake it's my first day at a new school. They sit me down at the table and explain to me "honey you're going to an all-boys school, and there's no time to complain go put on your uniform, you're going to be late." As they hand me my new uniform and I realize I'm going to have to change my name. after I put my uniform on I sit and ponder my new name. after I took ten minutes to think of a name I was late. I hurry and put a hat on o cover my long hair and run out the door. I got to class and ran in right in the middle of class. "who are you and what's your name" the teacher yelled at me "I'm sorry my name is Andrew". I go and sit in the back of the class, so I don't get annoyed with any of the boys. But all I could think about was way a boy's school. After 1st period I hurry and run to the office, so I can get the rest of my class in sort. But when I go to the principal's office I see a boy sitting in the chair, the principal introduces the boy his name is max. he shows me around the school once he's done showing me around and stops me under the stairs. "hey bro wanna come over to my house later and play video games?"

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