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I woke up with a scream of terror as something clamped dowe on my neck- I cried. Tears ran down my face while the creature on top of me was satisfied with my cries and the taste of my crimson blood. What if...

"Let me out! Please!" I sobbed. I admit-I was scared. I was at the point where I was about to wet myself from utter fear of death but hey...it's just death...what was death like, I asked my mother and father. They said never to ask and that I'd learn someday.

I was drawn back to the present as the creature's humanoid hand-claws-talons touched my face gently, a touch I hadn't felt for a few years now. What was this feeling- my stomach felt sick suddenly as a long dripping bloody snout contorted into a man's face, smiling darkly down upon me. I was at a loss for worda, he hushed me, and ran his now human hand through my hair. Disgusting, I thought.

"Get off of me!" I hissed at the man, who looked at me quite startled as I tried to thrash and wriggle from my chained down arms and legs. "Let me go!" I was pissed now- and I felt something stabbing my lower back and my shoulder blades I arched my back and cried out in pain, and then the metal shackles shattered, leaving me lying on the stone cold ground, a scaly tail and thin membrane wings curling around my now torn shirt and shaking body. The man had gotten up, and looked at me in horror as if I were some...some Monster

The man grinned suddenly, and kicked me hard in the gut. "You're the one they're looking for," He chuckled before geabbingc me by the base if my new wings. I cried out- it felt like fire burning through my skin. I whipped my tail at the man, slashing right into his eye. He let go with a yell of pain, clutching his cut open face and eye. Ha, looser! I wanted to yell but I stumbled to my feet, and ran. Dark, dark, dark. Why was the room so dark?

I stopped at a split in the room-two doors. I slammed into the left one, and felt nithing for a split second, then two and three. Air whistled past my ears and my hair whistled past my face. I was falling. I was falling to my death.

I couldn't even scream for help-the air leaving my lungs so fast I couldn't catch it again. How deep was this drop gonna be, I thought before I pulled myself together, all in seconds, and spread my new-Diamond white as I saw clearly now-wings and caught little air tI slow myself. Come on, wings. Work! I angled them, then as I caught myself, I flapped as hard as I could and started to go uwards.

How did birds do it? Oh, yeah, hollow bones, smaller organs and bodies. Duh-why didn't I think of that? I reached the doorway again, and grappled to the ledge scrambling up and out of the room, I slammed that door shut the second I grabbed the knob.

I turned to the other door in a flash. My back ached and my arms felt like they were going to shatter-I pushed the door open now, not just rushing in. I stepped into the room-dark. Then it was bright with white light as Ito on a few steps. I had to get my bearings again, until a girl, smaller than me, ran over holding medical tape, needles, cotton bandages, water, and what looked like a small bottle of medicine? I wasn't sick....Right? I felt too tired now to walk, suddenly...

The woman gave a shriek as I fell to my knees, now just under her chest I found myself reading out with one hand before my balance slipped, and my vision blurred.

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