Time's Testament

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     Every day people walk, not thinking about the environment, what's going on, or wondering if they're safe. They don't realize they are always on the brink of extinction. Only one person knows. To those he's met, they don't even remember his name or what he looks like. One moment he's here; next, he's gone. On the other side, criminals and dark beings alike know him too well. He is the kryptonite to their plans and lives: the Yin to their Yang. Without him, there would be chaos. No one would be able to deal with the dark beings and criminals. Who are these dark creatures? Demons, Behemoths, and other ghastly monsters one can't even begin to imagine. Humans could face them at any moment, but they are safe as long as the quiet figure takes care of these dark monsters.
     Down in a private layer below Earth's crust, Lucius sits at a meeting table with his commanders. He wants to end that insufferable being, yet no one knows this guardian or how good this fighter is.
     "Commanders," Lucius shouts. Everyone stops their small conversations to listen to their leader.
     "Who is he? I demand to know, and why has no one figured him out? I should be ruling, yet none of you idiots can carry out my plans."
     "With all due respect sire," a goblin replies, "we are trying our best. He just comes out of nowhere. We've tried to figure it out. We carried your plan out twice from two different locations, and both of those times were stopped by him."
     "I thought it was female," a troll butts in. "Last I checked, she was slim and small."
     "No, it was guy," an ogre mutters, "Definitely strong and big, but small."
     "It was a lean tall human you imbeciles," the goblin scolds the other two. "My apologies, my lord. We're trying to set the facts straight."
     "I don't care how he or she looked," Lucius roars. "I want that person stopped and killed. We need to take over this blasted planet, and now's our chance. I have no time for any of your squabbling."
     "You should listen," someone speaks from the crowd. Everyone turns and makes way for the human warrior. "I would never speak that way to my people if I was the leader; then again, I don't need to."
     Outraged, the demon thunders, "Who are you!"
     "None of your business. I shall stop your madness and make sure none of you arise to cause trouble. I'll be back in a while, but you have time to stop your antics and make peace. Leave the humans be and live peacefully among them, or there will be consequences."
     An ultimatum. Something Lucius didn't think of. In the end, he does not care for humans. He wants the world to be the spitting image of his dream: burning flames and demons roaming, preying on scared humans. He would allow enough of them to keep reproducing, yet small enough to be a minor nuisance to their army and new empire.
     "I refuse," he sneers. "Your spawn should be gone. Nothing will get in my way, and you're in my way. Get him."
     As the Demon King's army rush the human, he begins to fade.
     "Now, now. You think I'd bring myself open like this?" he chuckles. "I wish you luck next time I arrive." As he leaves, he sees goblins, ogres, orcs, and more monsters failing to grab him. Soon he disappears, leaving the demon army in an uneasy state. All of them, including Lucius, know they have to thwart this human's plan to keep their vision alive.
      As the warrior reappears in his home in a forest, other fighters, or Young Elites, nod his way before returning to their tasks. No one is aware of the magical world, except for him. He is a strange man, but he uses that to protect Earth alongside other beings who believe in a better world for humanity. Elves, fairies, and even monsters who were once evil joined him to find refuge and keep human civilization safe. Although humans are not capable yet, the Young Elites knew these people needed guidance: devolution and less technology.
     Out of all of them, their leader went to school as a college student. No one knew him. Christopher kept himself out of activities; he only observed them so he could find ways to help humans out after they took care of the evil forces below. He left knowing how to help humanity after Lucius and his army were defeated.
     As Christopher enters the meeting room, he ponders how willing humans will be to follow the Young Elites. He takes a seat and waits for someone to talk.
     "We are ready with weaponry and arsenal," Drac'Num, a golem said.
     "Our medics and potions are ready," a priestly elf, Sheevih, reported.
With other leaders of their respective positions reporting their status and everything set for the fight, Christopher knew the right time to attack was tonight.
     "Report twenty-three hours sharp. From there, we will arrive at Lucius's layer and stop their nonsense."  The Young Elites nod or give some sort of acknowledgement before preparing for the battle with fun relaxation and training. Not everyone was going to survive, but the leader knew that. He informed everyone of the risks before they joined, and many joined willingly. Those who wish to be neutral have stayed in hiding until Lucius and Christopher settle their dispute. As of now, the Young Elites' leader could only hope they would win by tomorrow morning. He took out a book and started reading for the next few hours.
     At the reported twenty-three hours, everyone was gathered for the final attack. This battle would decide the fate of humanity. If the Young Elites lost against Lucius and his army, they were done for, and civilization would crumble. They could only hope they would win. As portals open towards Lucius's kingdom, scouts quickly zoom into the Demon King's layer to sight out Lucius's defense. While fighters surround the area, one scout runs back to Christopher and the commanders.
     "Walls are defended with roughy ten archers each side, bringing fifty in total. Other than that, everyone else is either lazing around or sleeping. Lucius is in the midst of his 'beauty sleep,'" she snickers after reporting what she saw.
     "Thank you for your information, Penelope. Please head to your designated area and prepare for the fight," Christopher replies. Saluting, she sneaks towards her battalion, waiting for the call. "You all know what to do?" He asks his other commanders. They nod before reporting to their section.
     An hour later, everyone was merely a hundred yards away, and none of the archers took notice of the vast crowd surrounding them; if anything, they were messing around. Suddenly, everyone in Lucius's army wakes to the sound of terrifying screams and crashes. Lucius sprints to his window, only to see Christopher staring at him from the entrance as the Young Elites capture and wipe out the Demon King's troops.
     "Impossible," Lucius mutters. Immediately he puts on his armor and equip his weapon before flying into the middle of chaos and hacking at the Christopher's warriors. Many Young Elites dodge or block his vicious strikes. Few of them are wounded while other Elites are slain. Christopher tackles Lucius to stop the king's rampage. Everyone stops and circles around the pair. The Young Elites were on one side, and the demon king's army on the other side. It was as if a mutual agreement was made to cease fighting and witness a fight between two of the greatest combatants in the Milky Way.
     "Winner chooses the loser's fate as well as his army's?" Christopher bargains?
     "Only us two. Anything goes," Lucius replied. Nodding, both commanders took three steps back before going into their respective stances. The demon holds a sword as massive as himself while the young human is equipped with dual blades. On cue, Lucius lunges, swinging for Christopher's head. The Young Elite deflects the heavy weapon and spins to attack Lucius. The two exchanged blows, and their army backed up to avoid being slain or wounded in the fight.
     As the two clashed, Lucius says, "Why do you care for these worthless beings: your kin and all of those creatures who do not belong in this world. They are all nothing!"
     Calmly, the Young Elite replies, "I care for them because they are all special. I may be a nobody in my world, but at least I can die knowing I'm keeping them safe." With that, Christopher feigns right before feigning again to the left, bringing his right blade down towards the demon king's leg. Roaring in pain and surprise, Lucius swings his sword as hard as he possibly can down upon Christopher's head. The Young Elite barely avoids the blade itself, earning a small cut on his right arm. With a quiet grunt, Christopher stumbles back. Taking the bait, Lucius charged at his adversary to end him once and for all. As he brought his sword up, Lucius notices the small smirk on the young warrior's face. Before he can react, Christopher throws one of his blades towards the monster's chest. Lucius stops abruptly as the sword embeds deep into his heart. He couldn't believe it. Lucius, the king of kings, slayer of humans, lost this battle. Falling to his knees, he looks at Christopher in admiration and awe.
     "Please," Lucius asks,  "tell me who you are. What are you? You are not human."
     "I am human, but I am also a being blessed by many of my friends and family. I am a nobody on Earth itself, but I am a leader amongst my own family, the Young Elites." With one swift movement, Christopher lowers his hood and removes his mask before the defeated king.
     "My name is Christopher Nercem; I am the leader and proud family member of the Young Elites. It has been an honor fighting an adversary such as you.  May the fates and deities above us give you a peaceful rest, for no human or being should suffer from being misguided to the dark side. Till we meet again, great King. Any last words, my lord?"
     "Yes," Lucius replies. "Please, be merciful on those that have followed me. I only cared for myself, but as death looms over my fading body, I see -- for the great gods among us show me the truth and secrets I've dreamt of seeing -- that your path towards civilization and peace would win in the end, even if I would've won this bout."
With one final nod, the Young Elite mutters a prayer, and the demon King's essence ascends through the underworld and into the skies.
     "I wish for no more deaths and havoc in this world," Christopher speaks to everyone. "Let us rest; my army will not attack you as long as you stay peaceful for tonight."
     "I will answer on behalf of the Demon King's army," the goblin commander states after a small chatter between Lucius's remaining commanders. "We, although a little hesitant, are willing to not fight for tonight. We will negotiate to have a more peaceful life, with humans and other races as one. That's all we wanted." The remaining army of the king's army nods in agreement.
     "Very well. Tonight, we shall rest. At eight hours sharp, I want a meeting with everyone, even with the neutral beings who wished to not fight." Making sure everyone is on board, Christopher sends several messengers (even some of the monsters) to spread the news and information.
When eight hours arrive the next day, monsters, neutrals, and elites gather to negotiate peace. The peace treaty would take a few weeks to figure out. During that time, Christopher and other leaders of different races input their ideals for peace. Although their ideas are different, they all simply want equality among humans and happiness. Knowing he would be the only one able to physically convince humans to aid mythological races, the leader of the Young Elites took his time, slowly pulling humans to a new peaceful era. With all the monsters and creatures alike, they slowly devolve humans and create an eco-friendly world where everyone thrives with one another. Although races disagree (and sometimes want war), Christopher made sure everyone was on the same page, and he adjusts the peace treaty to everyone's evolving wants and needs.
Christopher would never be a big name. He stays unknown. Some Earth-roamers believe he passed away, watching in the heavens as civilization merge and live with one another. Only the Young Elites know whether he is alive or not. The leader watches over everyone and keeps peace. He stays young, never aging unless he wants to.
     In the end, he faded into a myth: the human who rallied sense and peace to unify everyone. While Earth's population grows, leaders, who follow his beliefs, rise to maintain order and tranquility. Christopher would be named Josiah in a legend told by many.
     A young Draenei roams through the University of Otago. She has a week to review for her class about Josiah. To be a leader and guide on Earth, a pupil needs to know who the founder was and what he accomplished. Along with that, the student has to learn religions, understand other races, and much more. Being a leader is a title that bears many responsibilities, and it demands one to pass many gates, doors, vaults, and challenges to display one's tenacity.
     As she scurries through her notes, all she could think of was how she might never have a chance to become a leader. All her years of studying could be for nothing if she did not pass the test. Yelling in frustration, the Draenei stops to breathe slowly. "This is too much," she mutters.
     "Then take a step back," a soft voice spoke from behind her, startling the pupil. "My apologies. I did not mean to scare you," he says. "Would it be alright if I sat next to you?" Nodding shyly, the Draenei moves her stuff and shifts to one side. "I know much about this, for I am a leader myself."
     "Could you help me?" the young Draenei asks, hope rising once more.
     Chuckling, the human sits before speaking: "I'd love to, but first, what is your name?"
     "Khalaa," she answers.
     "A beautiful name," he states. "Where would you like to start on your review?"
     "How do I know whether you are being serious or not?" she questions him, her logic settling in. "For all I know, you could be trying to give me outdated information or lies."
     "I could, but I'd be lying about myself," he replies. "You are a bright young lady." After a few moments, Khalaa still looks befuddled. "How about I give you information about myself, and you can study with that. I'll help you; I love helping future leaders. It saves a great deal of time and energy for me. Many have become leaders from my guidance. If you are going to succeed, know I demand much, and this week will be a testament to your many challenges to become a leader."
     "Yes, Ms. Khalaa. I am Christopher Nercem, but known as Josiah in the 'great' legend," the leader chuckles, "leader of the Young Elites, yadda yadda. I hate sounding superior. Anyways, Ready to learn?" When she finally nods, he begins: "Where should I start? How about the beginning?"
     "That would be nice, sir," the Draenei answers, eager to hear the famous leader's story.
     "First: no sirs. Just Christopher. Secondly: let's begin! During..."

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